Burning Mouth Syndrome?
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Hi I'm going through the dreaded menopause and last year developed dry eyes. Now I seem to have a problem with a dry mouth and sore tongue. My tongue feels like a piece of sandpaper and sometimes feels sore as if it has been burnt. My doctor has been no help at all and my dentist has now suggested that I might have burning mouth syndrome. Does anyone else have anything similar? Can anyone suggest what food or drink would help or be avoided? Is there anything else that might help? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
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gailannie elaine62759
Yes Elaine I have had it too. Sorry you probably won't want to hear this, but the fix for this is HRT. Otherwise you can wait it out and see if your body adjusts. At least that's my experience.
junieju elaine62759
I also have this problem, but I also suffer with mouth ulcers.
Dry mouth is a nightmare, my doctor was not much help, so I just got a mouth spray I keep by my bedside at night, and carry it with me if I go out.
I also got special toothpaste, mouthwash, and gel.
It does help,
My doctor says dryness Is part of the wonderful journey of menopause.
Jokey junieju
Hurts your tounge a bit though if it is sore but it will cure the ulcers
michelle46271 elaine62759
Hi Elaine
I had this for 4 months continuously. It eased 6 weeks ago. Everything in my mouth burned all day long. Only bland foods were any good. It was one of the worst symptom for me and I've had loads. It will ease just ride the storm x
tmpearce elaine62759
Hi Elaine,.
I've had this too. I had it for about a year off and on. Really annoying when I had it...my tongue burned and sometimes my lips would burn too. I could only eat or drink room temperature foods and beverages while it was happening. I did read that this is a common complaint of women during pre menopause.
I didn't take HRT for it....I'm trying to ride out this journey without hormones because I have had high blood pressure since my mid 20's. It seems to have stopped for the most part now. I very infrequently may have a day or two of mild burning which is minimal compared to the way it was.
There is a mouth rinse and toothpaste made for dry mouth which does help. I don't know if I can say a brand name here but the pharmacist will know it. Or message me for the name. It seemed to help me.
Jokey tmpearce
I can't take HRT either as I have high blood pressure.
Kegel8Stephanie elaine62759
As we go through menopause our mucous membranse become dry, because they no longer hold onto moisture like they used to. This results in dry eyes, nose, mouth, vagina perineum and all those usually moist bits. You can tackle it with supplementing with natural oils such as Omega 7 this has helped me.
I am unable to comment on your burning mouth, but I suspect it might be dryness there too but I am sure your dentist knows best.
Use vaginal suppositories for intimate dryness. keep your perineum (between vagina and anus) moist as if this drys out it can promote constipation and thats not good for your pelvic floor. All linked in, so try to treat from inside!
Hope this helps
junieju Kegel8Stephanie
Yes dryness in most places, my doctor says Hrt, but do not want to take it.
Will look at omega 7
Thank you
Thanks very much for all your replies. I had asked about HRT before but the doctor said it's not suitable for me. Will try changing toothpaste and see if I can find a mouthwash to help. Hadn't heard of omega 7 before so will look into this. Think I will try blander foods too. I'd been trying things like lemon flavoured food to try and increase saliva but I think it's making my tongue worse. I sympathise with all others with this - it's no fun at all. Let's hope it goes through time!!
junieju elaine62759
My toothpaste and mouth wash and also the gel is called biotene, I get it from boots,
Boots also do own brand mouth spray, I use the spray throughout the day, and keep it at my bedside, it is handy to carry in your bag.
Ask your pharmacist, they are very helpfull.
looloo43 junieju
I use the spray too Junie, its very effective & pleasant to use isn't it? As well as meno, many meds can give you a dry mouth/tongue which can result in soreness/ulcers. x
junieju looloo43
elaine62759 junieju
Thanks for that. I'll try and get some at the weekend. Anything is worth trying as it's really annoying me now. Feel like I'm thinking about my mouth and tongue all the time now. When I brush my teeth it's even worse so when I go to bed my mouth is really irritated so I drink water to try and help but then I'm at the toilet half the night!!
junieju elaine62759
Yes it really does help me, and having the spray by my bed is great, and I have one in my handbag.
Let us know how you get on
elaine62759 junieju