Burning Sensations

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Hello everyone I am sure this has been taled about however I just hoped someone could validate me. I am 48 and have been dealing with night sweats, skipped periods, anxiety, bad joint pain and a myriad of strange symptoms before my period. Now I have been getting this burning, itchy sensation. Could show up anywhere. Feet, hands sometimes a particular spot on my body. I am wondering if others have this? Thanks for the help.


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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Tracey, yes, this very common during perimenopause. I suffered exactly like you. Not much you can do for now except eat healthier than you have in the past. You will need to eventually change your diet. It's part of the process. I took Borage oil pills which helped a lot and a multi-vitamin that was vegetarian. If things get worse you may want to consult with your doctor to see what options are available to you.

    • Posted

      Thanks for the reply. I have considered so many different options offered to me, bcp, progesterone iud etc. Still thinking on it. Do you or did you have nausea during perio? This is my new symptom before period is due.
    • Posted

      Yes, I had nausea at one time too. Drink peppermint tea or ginger tea. Eat very small portions of food too. When things got bad I tried HRT, but it didn't work so then my doctor put me on box, and after changing t h e pills 3times I my body settled on one that made me feel normal after 2-3 weeks. Then life got better. So with bcp's it's trail & error until you get the right ones for your body. All your symptoms will go away if you're on the right pill.

    • Posted

      oops, I meant bcp not box. They need an edit button!
  • Posted

    I'm 56 and haven't had a period for 18 months. I have awful anxiety that's keeping me from working. When I was in peri I had the night sweats and bad anxiety then to. I think it's hormonal. I get a funny feeling in my tummy like a bang every now and then. Doesn't hurt but vert annoying. It gets my anxiety started because I always think it's my heart. I also have really bad indigestion thT makes my chest hurt a little. At this stGe of life I can honestly say I wish I was a male!!

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