Burning stomach

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does anyone have a constant burning in thier stomach. its not like regular nausea its straight up burning that eventually leads to feeling sick. its not heartburn. i take nexium for that.

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7 Replies

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    One of my first symptoms in peri was gastritis. An upper endoscopy showed chronic gastritis. That's when I started taking zantac, and then my liver enzymes shot out the roof. (zantac now taken off the market due to liver problems, but my doctors said no way could it be related back then).

    Anyway, I changed my diet in favor of alkaline foods, stopped all advil/nsaids, drank warm lemon water every morning before eating, avoided things like black tea/coffee/alcohol/chocolate. Eventually it went away. But now I'm extremely careful to take advil with food and milk.

    Nexium is bad, it actually creates other problems like rebound acid. Lots of info on it.

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    yes every morning for a few weeks usually subsides but always returns in mornings

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    Try eating a few small pieces of crystallized ginger (the kind that comes in a spice jar). I have found that it works wonders for that particular symptom.

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    Yes dear

    Burning and gassy feeling every day..sometimes pain in right side too

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    thank u for ur responces. i was thinking that the nexium was the cause because i brrn on it for 4 years looked it up its not good for me..i dont drink coffee or anything caffinated so i knew it couldnt he that..i will try ur suggestions but i am getting off the nexium but need something for acid reflux. ill try zantac. have a great day ladies. thanx again

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      hi Jaynie - try taking apple cider vinegar either liquid or capsules daily & putting fresh ginger in warm water to sip on - you really should stay away from all over the counter ant-acids - not good for you really - peppermint also helpful -

      i do get a weird sensation from my neck to my stomach...it feels like its the top layer under my skin if that makes sense & it feels like a tingling sensation that could almost turn gasey - i feel it comes on after an adrenaline spike - i really am over all of this truly -

  • Posted

    I had gastritis in the beginning and yes, burning in stomach. Burning everywhere but stomach was the worst. loss of appetite, sick etc. activated charcoal, probiotic and ginger lemon tea helped. couldnt eat much of anything for months. applesauce, bananas etc sigh

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