Burning/Tingling Extremities All the Time.
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Hello Ladies,
I have asked this before about the Burning/Tingling Extremities but I wanted to know if it's all the time with anybody out there? My hasn't let up at all...Been Checked out 100's of Times By Multiple Neurologists/Neuro Opthalmologist... Pathologists, Endocrinologists, Naturopathic Drs..Etc....Please let me know if you get these symptoms..Thank You Ladies😊
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Guest Shana_P
For me the burning comes and goes, and when it happens all my other symptoms start flaring up too. But pretty much around for the last three years. All tests negative except EBV.
Shana_P Guest
Hi Suzanne,
EBV= Epstein Barr Virus....I had this at one point but I was told that I built up antibodies to it. What are your symptoms of this if you dont mind me asking? 😊
Guest Shana_P
Mono is your first bout with EbV. After that the virus goes dormant but can reactivate when the body is stressed like during perimeno.
The symptoms are pretty much the same as peri or Lyme or many other things. It's hard to know what's causing what.
Shana_P Guest
yes I totally agree. So this tells me that the immune system can weaken when it comes to Perimenopause. This all makes a lot of sense to me now. Do you have a Visual Disturbances with Peri/Meno?
Guest Shana_P
I have had visual disturbances. Lightening bolts out the side of my right eye. Also, sometimes when I go outside I can see silvery glitter raining down.
Now my eyesight is just getting generally worse. Seeing eye doc on Friday.
Shana_P Guest
I have Shaky Vision, after images, snowy"static" vision, color swirls, double vision after reading for 25 minutes, starbursts in the corner of my eyes, floaters and this is like 24/7...Been to 4 Neurologists, Been to a Neuro Opthalmologist in Boston who checked my eyes and my Optic Nerve and said it was extremely healthy. I have been to Pathologists, Endocrinologists, Naturopathic Drs. and Nutrition Response Drs. and had every blood test run known to man.....and had my brain mapped out and they found that I had a TBI from car accident last year and they said that could be causing visual Disturbances but no 1 dr. is certain.....I did have my hormones run multiple times and the dr said I wasnt in menopause. I am having all the classic signs of Perimenopause though so its hard to believe any dr. at this point. Its been a very rough ride for the past almost year and a half...sorry this is so long😢
Guest Shana_P
I see double when trying to read as well.
Also went to an opthamologist and had brain and neck MRI's.
All normal.
AND also was told by most doctors that it couldn't be hormone related, even though I was skipping periods.
I do think perimeno or the viruses let loose that were dormant before, or the anxiety fallen hormones can cause, is the reason for all these wacky symptoms.
My life turned totally upside down to the point where I thought I was really going to die when I turned 51. And it happened just as my periods started changing. It's definitely all related.
Three years later I'm still working thru issues like a second painful frozen shoulder, joint pains, ocassional overwhelming fatigue, burning feet, flu feelings, and finally starting to experience some traditional hot flashes, but no period since May. I no longer think I'm going to check out and I can function. No more painful ovarian cysts, huge breast cysts, palpitations, shaking, depression, overwhelming sick flu feelings, gastritis, etc.. all are pretty much gone.
sharon03238 Shana_P
i get the tungling in my legs, arms and hands, i also get burning mouth, throat, arms and neck... ive started with dry eyes, mouth and nose x
Shana_P sharon03238
Hi Sharon,
Yes I have had all the same symptoms and I don't know why the drs. run all my hormones and say well your not in menopause....But I definitely think I am in Perimenopause.....I wouldn't be having all these symptoms if I wasn't. Thank You Sharon and I hope all this goes away for you soon🙏
menval Shana_P
yes, i do have burning (feet)sensation constantly . some days are even difficult to walk.
Shana_P menval
Hi Menval,
My feet tingle and burn and my legs do as well. I notice it more when I am still and not moving. Its really hard for all of us going through Perimenopause and Menopause....my mother never told me about this...and Drs. can be very clueless when it comes to this...I hope you feet feel better soon🙏
menval Shana_P
thank so much. i hope you get better soon too. I understand what you say. Im 47 and my experience is very different from my moms experience. I've noticed that my symptoms are worse close to getting my period. Like you said Drs. can be clueless when it comes to this. I just hope for some relief soon for all the ladies struggling with these weird symptoms
shylee Shana_P
hi shana,
yes. i suffer with burning face, head, neck, throat, frozen shoulder, loss of normal sensation and strength in left arm, top of left foot and burning mouth syndrome. HRT didnt help those symptoms but i was put on carbamazapine and after a couple of weeks it started to settle and mostly disappear though i can feel it just under the surface of meds if you know what i mean. I could up the dose of carbamazepine but it interferes with the HRT so i wont. the week or so before a whacky cycle and the burning comes afterwards it settles back under the meds. its horrible but i can cope with it knowing it will settle again. I had it for 3yrs crying at drs and when tests came back negative or inconclusive treated me like i had borderline personality disorder and now i get nowhere with drs so if im suffering i wont go to a dr. its very unfair how we are treated. the dr is happy just giving me scripts.
By the way i don't have borderline personality disorder i just get very upset and desperate when im in incredible pain, I'm frightened and the drs being a dick.
tamsin00119 shylee
Hi Shylee
May I ask the dosage you take for carbamazepine? I also take that for epilepsy but only 200mg morning and night.. I to suffer from this body burning and it sucks.. it does seems to settle down with short flares during day... night time can sometimes be quite bad.. my neuro is talking about taking me off now I wonder if that would be such a good idea..
dawnym Shana_P
I have had tingling in legs & in extremities for over 18 months. I get it sometimes in my head/ face & like others have had every test under the sun & nothing is found.
I find it so hard to believe this is menopause related & no doc will consider it may be.
I'm 52 & up until 18months ago felt healthy. I take each day as it comes & pray all these weird symptoms will end one day. I try my best to ignore it & keep busy but sometimes its easier said than done.
Thank you everyone for sharing , I dont feel so alone.