Burning Tongue
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Hi All
could anyone advise me on what to take for a burning tongue, also woke through the night and had to change my pj I was wet through with sweat, is there anything for this, it doesn't happen often at the moment, every few weeks
sue xx
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jayneejay sue976
burning tongue, mouth etc can be a peri symptom, but always best to check with your doctor, peri is a good time to get routine blood tests, check all is okay, and not lacking anything.
in my earl peri, my blood sugars rose, and my chloresterol ..all okay now, Blood protein was low, still is.. I have routine bloods done annually and my B12 checked aswell now ..
jay xx
jayneejay sue976
this may help.. ( not written by me) its info i have collected and shared ..
jay x
sue976 jayneejay
loretta63638 jayneejay
xo Loretta
jayneejay loretta63638
They are on there, you need to scroll down after a few comments, they are further down
Jay x
i have had loads of blood tests, just one last month, these were all full blood tests, everything showed up good, I told them about my burning tongue at my doctors and hospital and they said they didn't know what was causing it, my doctor said may be was acid which they have now controlled. Thanks for your info though, as usual you are a great help. Xx
jayneejay sue976
oh that good you had all checked, another thing ticked off the list
well done, try not to worry about peri, or over think .. This causes anxiety ..
you will experience lots of weird stuff on the way
jay x