butterflies galore

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Hi everyone ..

Well ive got butterflies galore doing somersaults because i go for my hysteroscopy tomorrow ..totally scared .com

What can I do to relax...

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38 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi, please try not to worry. I had same in February, and honestly, it was a breeze. Tiny needle in the back of my hand, drifted off to sleep and woke up smiling about 15 mins later feeling right as rain. Pain no worse than a mild period, quickly resolved by paracetamol. Had to stay in hospital for two hours post op, tried to snooze, but felt wide awake. Was back to normal next day. It was the needle that frightened me, but it was almost pain free.ย 
    • Posted

      Hi debbie ...im not getting general anesetic im going to stay awake ..I think getting put to sleep scares me more than the procedure ha ha ...thankyoy for your reply
  • Posted

    Sorry, clicked the wrong button! I was in a room with seven other ladies, very friendly, nurses were great, and I remember thinking how lucky I was afterwards, as one lady was given bad news. I still wonder how she is doing. I was like you beforehand, but if I had to go back tomorrow, I would honestly not worry at all. I took my ipad and looked at photos of my new house, puppies, the garden, whatever makes you happy. Take an ipod! A good book, crossword. Treat yourself to some nice toiletries or a light, fresh perfume... And think that in not much more than 24 hours, it will all be over and youll be wondering why you were so anxious! Let us know how it goes and good luck. Xx
  • Posted

    Try not to worry...easier said than done I know....36 hours and on you'll be in recovery....all over. Keep busy today, make food to freeze for dinners you can " zap"...give the house a good clean...you won't be doing it for a while !! ( truly...you can't! ) ย any ironing ? Washing?? Do it all today....shower and early night...

    Good luck....let us know ok. ๐Ÿ’•

    • Posted

      Im sorry think ive been misunderstood ...im not having a hyterectomy tomorrow lol ...its the camera in my womb ...sorry
    • Posted

      O blimey! HaHaHa....๐Ÿ˜„ senior moment Hun....I read Hysterectomy !!!!

      ok HYSTEROSCOPY.....we'll then I'm in charge here !! Had several....not successful in having children....they seemed to do this every 5 minutes in that time...

      I preferred the light sedation......anaesthetics are not what they were years ago, it a light procedure and as long as you take a week off, don't do any

      lifting and just chill..treat yourself gently for a while..it'll be ok.

      do try not to worry, and keep us posted. So sorry for misunderstanding!!


    • Posted

      Ha ha thankyou mel ...thats ok

      Just be glad.when its over ..hate all this hospital and doctor stuff ...im a proper coward .

    • Posted

      Hi hun

      Do not worry I had the same ptocedure in feb. I was terrified of being put to sleep mote than the procedure. I only took ywo paracetamol when I got home. Didnt need anything else. The anaesthetic made me geel quite down in the dumps till it came out of my system. I suffer with depression in perimenopause so wasnt really expecting it. But once I knew it can happen i teased my mind. I took a weekofff work only because of after effects of anaesthetic

    • Posted

      Honey we all are truth told !!... Easy to be relaxed when it's all over....definitely coming back as a man...GOTTA be easier !!๐Ÿ˜ƒ

      take care of yourself and I'm sure it'll all go well.

      lots of love.๐Ÿ’•

    • Posted

      Sorry lots of typos in message. Am at work so was rushing lol x
    • Posted

      Thankyou Michelle

      The nurse has told me to take 2 paracetamol a hr before..so im taking extra strong ones lol ..

    • Posted

      Mel the men definatly get away with all kinds while us poor woman suffer ..so im up for coming back as a man too ha ha
  • Posted

    Do not worry it will be fine just hang in there take a deep breath relax and pray to God that everything goes fine thats all you have to do.ย 


  • Posted

    Not medically proven, but works for me, try smelling lavender oil. I know it sounds strange but I used it all through my pregnancy and labour, totally relaxed and so was my baby when she was born. ย Just a thought, hope it helps X

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