Came close to public embarassment today

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I am on what I think is day 10 of my period.  It could be more because I've had little spurts almost each day since I ovulated this month, but counting from the heavier bleeding, I think it's day ten.  

Yesterday, it seemed to be finished.  I went out and ran in the morning and had only brownish/dark red spotting through the day.  It was stickier, like it was just the leftover stuff.

Today we had theatre tickets.  Just as I was getting ready, I felt a rush of blood and there was some new bleeding, so I put in a heavier pad just in case.  During the play's intermission, I had some clots, but not much bleeding.  Then at the very end as I stood up for the ovation, I could feel the rush of bleeding/clots.  I had to be rude and dodge around older people with canes and walkers and of course I was at the furthest point from the bathrooms in the theater!  There was a whole rain of clots and I'd absolutely flooded the pad.  I think if I'd let it go any longer, I would have had a stain on my dress or the chair or just had it running down my legs.

I think that's one of my biggest fears.  I can deal with the pain, but I'm very afraid of being at work (I'm a teacher and can't run out of the room) or in public and having a serious situation.  I'm seriously considering purchasing dark seatcovers since my car's upholstery is light grey! 

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    That is just awful!!! My mom went through that!! Heavy bleeding for 2 weeks!! My 2nd to the last period was super heavy and I wore a depends to bed!! I couldn't sleep because I kept feeling like I would bleed everywhere so I was exhausted! But being in public is worse! I'm a teacher too so I get it!! Have you talked to your gyno about getting on the pill while you're going through this?

    • Posted

      I have a large fibroid that also causes problems.  My gyno won't give me anything until she does a biposy.  She attempted it once but the placement of the fibroid made it so she couldn't get the sample.  It wasn't a fun appointment.  The last few months had been better, so I didn't reschedule the biopsy, but this month has been pretty crazy in terms of the bleeding, so I'm going to let her try again and pray everything is fine. 

  • Posted

    Oh dear I sympathise with you.

    They will all disappear one day when you get to menopause, which now I'm going through. You still have problems after even that! Fat tums because there is no more estrogen! Etc!!oh the joys of being a woman!

    Best to get yourself checked out make sure everything is okay.😀👍

  • Posted

    I know how you feel. Today I am on day 4 of my period and day 2 and 3 I did the heaviest bleeding. I felt awful. I knew my iron must have been low so I took an iron supplement. I hope I'm getting close to the end of my periods. This is absolutely the worst time in a woman's life.

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