Can anyone relate...

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Hello ladies don't laugh but just wondering do any of you feel like you are bigger even when there is no change when you get on the scale. I hate this feeling I have never been a small person but I dang sure don't wanna get bigger. I hate looking in the mirror it seems to me that I have a prego belly but also I think everything has started sagging.. Lol that's the only way I know to describe it. And also its like I love sweets especially at night and I'm getting the taste for different foods do anybody get what I'm saying? I'm not one to write long post but no one here understands my husband and my kids act like they get tired of me asking them if I'm looking bigger to them. I just turned 48 this month. I would just like to know how does peri cause all these issues with us!!

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21 Replies

  • Posted

    Yes I feel bigger even though the scales tell me otherwise. Very weird feeling. I also feel like eating sweet stuff all the time which is unlike me. Been in perimenopause eight years and symptoms change all the time.

    Like you my husband and kids are fed up with me. Flipping heck im fed up with myself lol

    Hope you have a good Christmas despite this awful transition x

  • Posted

    Yes almost daily. Thing is my tummy looks it too. I'm as slim as they come so I actually really do look six months preggers. 

    Can I ask how often do you experience this? Mines most days 

    • Posted

      Wow me too. Most days I mean. Im also very slim but I feel like a whale lol
    • Posted

      Sorry to say this but I am relieved I'm not the only one who has it as regular as I do!!! Sorry Hun sad dunno bout you I used to be able to suck it in and resemble normalcy but on a bad day now even sucking it in doesn't work sad but it's always flat again by morning .. FYI dunno if you and I have talked about vitex herb before but even though I've only been on it about a week and a half it ALMOST looks like I'm not going to have a really early period again, maybe it's working....
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      That sounds good. I will look it up. The bloating is just so uncomfortable ive had terrible digestive problems in perimenopause. X
  • Posted

    I lost weight in most places except my belly and butt so that's where most of my wright went. I was heavier a year ago and now its like my body is someone else's. I so get that negative mirror image thing. I'm just the opposite. Worried I've lost too much in my arms and legs and don't look right. My husband says I look like I've gained wait but really only in my butt and stomach. I almost look pregnant too. I hate my body, but thank God its winter so I can cover mist if it up. Everyone says you look great. Look like you list weight and it only saddens me more. I have gained about 7 or 8 lbs. back.. But not where I want it back. Do my pants are too tight but looser in the legs and calves. Had to go down a size in my shirts and sweaters cause my arms shrunk. Hate it. I just want to be and look like I did before, but its so hard for me. Its lijexI lost muscle so if I even skip the gym, I feel too thin. I liked being bulkier. Want to lose the weight in my own not from stupid menopause. 208 and holding. Used to be 217 a year ago. So sucks.
    • Posted

      Thank you for replying. My weight fluctuates between 215 and 218. Most of the time a stay at 215 I weight myself in the same clothing if that makes since. But to me I feel and looked like I have gained. The prego stomach is what bothers me the most!
    • Posted

      Over the Spring I was down to 200. I could barely eat anything. Was sad and depressed. Now I eat more but still can't get all my weight back. I want to be around 212 or 213. Then I won't feel as if I have something wrong with me. Nothing is was tested for everything including cancer is what I thought. Was not found but I feel I still have something fatal. Everyone says I'm fine and look great. Brings me to tears. I just want to be bigger in my arms and calves and upper chest where I seemed to have lost it all and can't seem to get it back no matter how much crap I eat.
    • Posted

      Hi hun

      I too lost lots of weight in peri. I went from a size 14 to a size 8 which I still am now. Mine was due to terrible digestive issues due to hormones. Didnt know that then but I do now. I lost it very quickly and my friends and family thought I looked unwell. Ive been a size 8 for three years now so my body deems to have settled somewhat. Ive had two upper endoscopy butall clear. My problem is I can only eat very small amounts and feel full but ive got used to it now. Tbh im a carer and I dee a lot of people will serious health issues due to being overweight so its not such a bad thing to be a good weight.

      As long as you are eating healthy your body will find its right weight x

    • Posted

      Tanks Michelle. I too have bouts of digestive issues. Had a colonocopy and endoscopy and 2 ct scans. All clear too. Luckily I only lost 17 lbs. Got back about 7 or 8 since May. So only went down one size. 16 to 14 and Xl to large. Thank goodness!
  • Posted

    I'm finding all this menopausal thing so weird. Absent periods since last December. Bloated tummy, feel like I'm heavily pregnant!! Digestive problems. Lack of sleep & many more. Why do we have to go through all this. There just doesn't seem to be any clear answers. Dr has given me fluoxetine. My FSH levels were 146 but she said she needs to do them again in January as I haven't/didn't have any peri menopausal symptoms.... Baffled .com!
    • Posted

      Welcome to the perimenopause world my love.

      You are in good hands here.

      Im also baffled with the never ending symptoms.

      The ladies on here will certainly help you.

      God bless x

    • Posted

      Ohhhh yeah.. And right sweats, hotflashes, dizziness, headaches, joint pain, muscle loss, indigestion, fatigue, and anxiety to add few more.

      Hang in there. We're all going through the same thing.

    • Posted

      The insomnia really got to me but no one said it was menopause related. It has got so much better after just 6 weeks on HRT.

      Digestive issues also constipation which so far hasn't changed but fingers crossed it will soon.

      You feel it's just one thing after another for a while.

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