Can anyone relate...
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So I've started having perimenopause symptoms since July/August of last year and ever since then everything is different for me. I noticed I can't do certain things that I used to do and eat/drink the way I used to. I had to cut out sodas for good (which is a good thing of course) because I would get a migraine afterwards, I had to cut out certain restaurants because they made me sick to my stomach afterwards. I had to cut out eating late and drinking alcohol too. Well last night was my best friends birthday so my husband and I took her out for drinks and dancing. I drank quite a bit but never felt drunk or even "buzzed" so anyway after the night was over, we went to eat at a 24 hour mexican restaurant at 2 a.m. After catching our cabs home and showering it was 4 a.m by the time we went to sleep. Well its now 8:30 a.m and I've been waking up off and on with a headache, stomachache, a pounding/racing heart and just feel so weak. Has anyone else done this during peri and noticed you felt the same? I dont like the way I'm feeling so I guess its giving me a bit of anxiety too. Thanks for your time...
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Foxy_polly valarie24431
Hi Valerie
Firstly your not alone and this site is great for support! I believe I started peri about 18months ago but docs disputed it as I was only 39 but I'm now 41 and still have all the same symptoms every month and some months are worse than others! I have the same as you and have also changed my eating and drinking habits! I've always suffered from anxiety since the birth of my children 15 years ago then it settled for a good few years but now it's back with avenegance but after reading other people's experiences on here peri brings bad anxiety with it. Hope this helps! We will all get through it some how xxx
jeny86397 valarie24431
Hi valarie, I have experienced this too, on my birthday last November we went for a meal, I had a couple of glasses of wine and some nice Greek food that Iv had before, felt panicky the whole time we were at the restaurant and spent the rest of the night once we had got home throwing up, we all ate the same thing so It wasn't what I ate, I've put it down to peri as I used to he able to eat late and enjoy a glass or too of wine. I can't drink at all now as I really don't enjoy it and the thought of going out to eat horrifies me, I'm really not good at stepping out of my comfort zone at moment, I could stay home all the time, I make myself go to the gym as I always feel good once I've done it. Bloody peri is a massive pain in my life and I'm only 7 to 8 months in, I really hope it gets better for you soon, take care,xx
lena53512 valarie24431
Dear Valarie,
I have the same symptoms. I had to change my eating habits, because in peri i can not stand anything "complex". I prefer very easy food, easily cooked and very basic. Still drink Coffee and tea, and a lot of water. Basic food is healthy, I believe, but it is difficult when I spend the whole day in the office and the restaurants around offer traditional regional food that make me sick.
I also had some bad reaction to food, i think it is part of the peri.
Lotti1966 valarie24431
Hi Valarie.
I was always the one that said Mexican food never bothers me! Ha!
After 7 no more wine, tomato based food, cream sauces, Mexican, chocolate. Otherwise I'm sick all night.
metamorphed valarie24431
monique_93857 valarie24431
Hello ladies most definitely menopause symptoms I went through all of what you mentioned and more my nights were horrible I couldn't sleep some nights heart racing others just couldn't sleep I would fall asleep and it seemed I would wake every other hour my anxiety was through the roof aches in my hands shoulders elbows you name it my teeth ached also sensetive I got flutters in my stomach just felt horrible most of the time sweaty hands headaches yes I think it's about 166 symptoms and I had 165 lol it does get better ladies there is a light at the end of the tunnel hang in there praying for you all god bless