Can anyone shed any light ?

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Hi, i have been to my Dr this morning to talk about HRT , i am 49 and have had symptoms for 3 years which i have managed with herbal remedies until now .. they no longer work .Doc told me to go on this website to " find out " which treatment is best for me and go back and he will prescribe it !!! .I am totaly confused i dont know which will be best for me , i have up to 3 flushes an hour sometimes and sweats in the night are keeping me awake , can anyone help ? , thank you .

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi, what a lazy doctor, thats his job. I would go back and see another doctor in the practise and try again. I can't help with anything else.

    • Posted

      I was a little taken aback to be honest, thanks for your reply i guess i will do some research .
  • Posted

    Hi Jennifer,  I could totally relate to your post. I too, have been on herbal remedies and still do. I read something very intersting yesterday that said that when the ovaries shut down the adrenal glands pick up the slack. If the adrenal glands are not working at full capacity, it will put a strain on them.  This has been a big light bulb for me.  I lost my first husband 5.5 yrs ago suddenly and unexpectedly. My daughter moved away 3 years ago, and my son is with me and my new husband. The stress of it all did play a big role with my adrenals.  I know that the night sweats have much to do with the adrenals.  I take a chinese formula and another glandular formula.  I am almost 54 and in the last 2 yrs my periods started becoming unpredictable. I would spot lightly and even went 4 months without it. I thought I was home free and going into menopause. Then a 2 months ago, I had a heavy period. Then a couple weeks later I had a those flushes you referred to, except mine were gushes. That went on for a week. I couldn't leave the house. I finally got some ladies depends to try out.  I wasn't sleeping much, so that wasn't helping my adrenals.  The adrenals sit on top of the kidney's and are responsible for the fight or flight responses.  My stress level for so long has been elevated, and truthfully, the best way I know how to handle stress is to cocoon and pray and sing.  HRT's scare me.  I know this is a normal process.  Hope this helps. You are not alone! 

  • Posted


    This is the problem with HRT and women not feeling well when they get on it. It is not a one size fits all so how on earth can a Dr tell you to go find out and then prescribe you something when he doesn't know what exactly your body needs and how much? I am on Bio Identical hormones. A good dr, will run lab work typically on blood, urine and or saliva to get your numbers and what you need. Then prescribe accordingly. Then labs will be run periodically to ck and adjust throughout. The beauty of Bio Identical is they are natual, they are mixed at a compounding pharmacy to what your bodies needs are. Synthetics are not natural hormones. Premarine ( pregnant mare urine ) does not belong in a womans body but gets prescribed to women. I see so many women on the boards struggling with their HRT and it not working for them or they feel worse or just are scared to take it for any length of time. Read up on Bio Identicals. Watch some video reviews online. There is some very good books. Educate yourself on the beauty of natural hormone replacement. You should feel confident after doing this. Find a good dr that knows how to treat with bio's. Does the proper labs and moniters them and your symptoms. You will be much happier and feel much better.

  • Posted

    Jennifer, I'm with Lucas. Find another doctor. If this were a male issue, you can be sure there would be a little pill that took care of every symptom, or at least most of them.

  • Posted

    Jennifer, I'm sorry your doctor seemed so dismissive.  But I will throw at least one positive to this discussion.  At least your doctor is somewhat open minded to HRT and realizes that you need some support and room to experiment.  It's so true that one size, or form, of HRT does not fit all.  

    There are so many differnt forms of estrogen/progesterone that can be prescribed. What some women love, other's hate.  As one example, many women love the patch, but my body simply hates it.  You might ask for labs work to see where you are starting before trying anything.  While labs are NOT the end all, BE ALL, it could give you somewhere to start.   

  • Posted

    Hi Jennifer..seems an odd way for your doctor to about things. We all Google these things but to be able to sort out your own HRT I would think is just too much to ask. I started BHRT a few months ago with a doctor who only deals with hormones and he uses with my blood results and my symptoms to work out how much of each hormone to give me. Even my doctor who is known as one of the best in the state I live in is taking some time and a few adjustments to get my levels right. Mostly iv been good with my BHRT but I have had a few setbacks too and that's when you really need a doctor who understands and can work with you.

    Personally I would try to find a doctor who can guide you through the process not the other way round.

    Good luck..

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