Can someone help? Going out of my mind with worry !!

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Good evening I really hope somebody could advise. I'm 46 and have been in peri for about 5 years but no major effects just the odd missed period, heavy period and the discovery of a fibroid. I had some tests done last Dec that confirmed in am in peri and had my last period at the beginning of June this year so this is the first time I have missed 2 periods. About 5 weeks ago I suddenly got hit with a wave of new symptoms such as nausea, sometimes off my food but other times I'm fine, tiredness and fatigue, anxiety and acid reflux and all of the common things that are discussed on here. I've stayed away from coffee and alcohol for last 5 weeks and have been taking taking Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12 and Milk Thistle for the last week and thankfully the nausea has stopped and the tiredness has improved. I went to speak to the nurse on Monday and she tested me to make sure I'm not pregnant and told me off as my urine was very dark. I told her that I thought I had been not drinking enough, in fact at the time of my appointment it was 12pm and I hadn't had anything to drink all day and she said I was dehydrated. She arranged for me to have a full blood count, vitamin D check and also full iron profile as well as my FSH and LH blood tests. I've had the full blood count, Vitamin D and iron profile and all has come back clear however I have noticed that for last few days the whites of my eyes are off colour and very slightly jaundiced. I am now in full blown panic mode !! Would a problem with my liver have shown up in my full blood count? Have I harmed myself by becoming deydrated? Is it perimenopause related or is it something more sinister?? I have arranged an appointment with the doctor for Monday morning to discuss but I am having a real meltdown. The bizarre thing is I have felt great all week, the nausea has stopped and I'm not nearly as tired.

If anyone can help I would really really appreciate it ! Thanks in advance x

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12 Replies

  • Posted

    Don’t worry my eyes went weird too during Peri and meno . I looked like a I had a severe illness they were all cloudy and dark and normally I have bright blue eyes that are clear and happy . 
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    Part of the full blood count is checking for liver and kidney function xx
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    Just ring your doctors and ask them for the result of your liver function test which the should have done as part of your tests but if they did do the test and the result was abnormal they would have told you x
  • Posted

    There are a number of reasons your eyes could appear yellowish, anything from gallstones to fatty liver. You did have complete bloodwork, hopefully they included liver enzymes. I would call your doctor and ask. 

    Definitely start drinking lots of water, drink lemon water in the morning before eating. This will help flush anything out of your body. 

    I would definitely call your doctor and tell them about your eyes.

    At one point my liver enzymes were very elevated, but then they gradually decreased. The cause was never knows, I'm sure all due to crazy perimeno. 


  • Posted

    I have black circles around my eyes I am tired itchy and look a bit mental ... I am anxious and dont go out at all 
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      Thank God somebody else is stuck at home I’ve been housebound for 4 months now with the odd trip to do errands ... I’m going cuckoo and getting depressed as live alone 😩

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    Try not to worry too much my eyes too look like I’m very ill not bright and blue like they normally are ....dull and sickly looking .  I’m 52 and now post menopausal I guess.

    I eat very healthy workout go to bed early drink loads of water  and they still look awful . The symptoms of meno are horrific and very scary .  The fatigue is debilitating coupled with depression . It’s all hormones and a complete mess! 

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    Thank you all for your comments. One of my blood tests has show that my ferritin levels are too high and I am making/storing too much iron. My anxiety is out of control imagining all of the worst situations. I'm having more bloods done today to check my liver, thyroid etc. I can't seem to calm myself down I'm just worrying so much ! I feel great better than I have done for ages, the nausea/fatigue disappeared last Monday but all that's hanging over me is this. I went to the out of hours doctor over the weekend I was panicking so much about my eyes being slightly off coloured and he said that if I hadn't have told him he wouldn't have noticed. Please say a little prayer for me that there's nothing serious wrong. Thanks xx

  • Posted

    Do u drink much alcohol? Do you have symptoms of hyperthyroidism? Xx
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      I like a few glasses of wine but by no means a heavy drinker in fact haven’t hada drink for about 5 weeks. Don’t know anything about hyperthydroidism  though and scared to google as thatnis scaing me to death!!
  • Posted

    I think I have hypothyroidism which is the opposite. Just means taking medication if it is. Xx

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