Can't cope!
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Hello can anyone help for me the doctors won't listen as say my bloods normal! I'm 47 and for the last 12 months I've been getting headaches and migraines that last for a week or so and they are coming every 4 weeks! Feeling like can't cope much more with them they are effecting my life i also have sore breasts dry skin and lips and get anxious about my health all the time! Feel like I'm going mad!!!
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loretta63638 clare2905
clare2905 loretta63638
No keep asking Dr but as my bloods not showing they won't prescribe but going back tomorrow to beg again
Gypsy014 clare2905
Hi Clare, omg do i know how you feel!!!! I've just crawled out of my bed where I've been for 48 hours straight ..with a WICKED HEADACHE.. I too have been getting migraines every month that last for exactly3 days!!! I'm so so so so sick of all these symptoms and yes I feel like when I'm this bad I can't cope either HELL I can't even get out of bed much less function with some of my symptoms.. And when I came out of my dungeon today with still a bit of my migraine that wants to hang onto me tightly, I was of course out of everything from the store so I drove down to the corner store just to pick up a few of my necessities and the sun was so bright I was dizzy in the store had to almost run out of there thought my knees were going to buckle ... I'm back at home now taking it easy and resting .. I'm 47 too and had a hysterectomy years ago at 27, but have my ovaries still , but definitely know that these ovaries are not functioning very well anymore with the reaccuring symptoms every month.. I write down my symptoms everyday to see what comes back the next month, and they all do almost to the day.. Its an awful ride these hormones.. And blood work isn't going to show you in perimenopause only go by your symptoms, and unless its a doctor that's a female that's been through it the younger ones are just going to blow off your cries for help and call it anxiety and so are the male doctors, they haven't got a CLUE as to how horrible and debilitating this all really is!!!!
clare2905 Gypsy014
Poor you really know how you feel i just burst into tears yesterday and sent home from work as headache so bad and bp sky high! Going to see Dr again tomorrow can't carry on like this! Hope u wake up headache free tomorrow 👍
CarolKelso Gypsy014
Hi Gypsy..
I'd the same op as you with ovaries still in and we really don't know where or what stage we are at......oh I'm the same with the symptoms. I'd the op 9 years ago and yesterday at the GP as at night I'm so thirsty with heart racing, an awful headache with a sucken mood... I'd enough so went to get bloods checked again but I know they will come back all okay... It's minefield with GPs at a loss... The upside Is that my episodes have been getting less and I now have more joy... This season is hard but it will pass... Blessings CK
Gypsy014 CarolKelso
Oh CK,
You give me hope!!! I really do need for my symptoms to lesson.. Sometimes they feel as if they do lesson a little, and then next month they seem like they have definitely intensified for me! It is tough not knowing where in the menopause I'm at like you with no periods and all, but my guess is when symptoms do subside for good, then hormones must be settling..
Gypsy014 CarolKelso
Are your headaches better now? Did you get them every month? Were they migraines, and on one side only .for the most part? And do you write your symptoms down everyday and check back in your daily diary to see if you have the same symptoms the following month on that same day? Since you have no periods? Its all so frustrating...thanks for sharing❤
Gypsy014 clare2905
CarolKelso Gypsy014
Hi Gypsy..
?Headaches - It could be a cup of tea or too much chocolate. Other times they have no rhyme or reason. I would take two paracetmaol and two ibuprofen just at the start of it as this helps.
?It can be at the back of my head then it moves to the top or the sometimes the side. It can also be due to my sinus and I am now prone to sinus infections that I never had in my life. Do you ever notice that have junk or flem at the back of your throat or a throbbing within your sinus/noise area? If so drink lots of water and clear your throat as sinus pressure can cause the same kind of headaches due to build up of junk. Hormones I heard also cause changes in the mucus in your sinus and you can be more prone to infection or allergies...
Oh and dry heat also sets me off... heat on in the car or room where there is not fresh air..
?The headaches for me were awful and the first GP told me it was just tension and how I did not hit her,,, After another visit with a different GP, I got a tablet for migraine called imagram but I prefer the two more affective and no real side effects for me..
?The headaches now are less... but I still get them but they have eased thank God and I am use to it now.. They don't bother me and if one comes on, I don't panic as I know what it is now. I also like to get out in the fresh air and walk as I love in the Scottish highlands and exercise has been a saving grace for me...
As I said in my last message, I've had an array of symptoms like lots of the girls here. After this, I will be able to conquer the world and now I try and just take one day at a time. I am only 47 and never expected to feel any of this. But I'm positive right now and feeling much better over loner periods so fingers crossed.
?Hang tight. You are not alone. Keep checking in here and I hope this helps.
?Carol K
Gypsy014 CarolKelso
CarolKelso Gypsy014
Thanks Gypsy..... Mind yourself there... What a ride eh.... Carol 😉
Yellow88 clare2905
Hi, I'm guessing you're in peri?
I had awful headaches through Peri they would last three long days and were so debilitating. Eventually after a lot of putting up with it, I went back to the doctor and she gave me Sumatriptan which basically saved my life, it really helped me.
Make sure you are not anemic, this can cause awful headaches. Also remember your B vitamins, they help. Lavender oil helps and of course lots of water to keep hydrated. Definitely get checked for your iron levels though, that's very important.
I do hope this helps a bit.
clare2905 Yellow88
Thanks yes I take Rizatriptan they usually help but not yesterday!Always drink loads of water and also take magnesium every day will add in vitamin b had full bloods 2 months ago will check they did iron! Just wanting to prevent them coming every month I'm considering a trial of hrt but still unsure!
loretta63638 clare2905
Clare the only thing that helped me with all the symptoms was a birth control pill while I was still menstruating. Your hormones fluctuate tremendously and that is why you are suffering so much. The BCP shuts down your ovaries so that you are not fluctuating and the BCP keeps a steady amount of hormones in you so that you don't have all this craziness going on. Once I stopped with perimenopause, NO Periods anymore I was transitioned to HRT, which I am still all and will not go off.
I also was prescribed an antidepressant before any hormones, it helped a little but not enough. I was scared to start BCP but what was the option, continue to feel like crap or give it a try. I am glad I did. Good Luck to you with whatever you decide I hope you get relief fast.
clare2905 loretta63638
I'm willing to try anything but as I got the coil in i don't know if still having periods! I'll mention bcp and see if I'm eligible! Thanks for your support!