Can’t get out of bed !
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Does anybody else have this problem ? I don’t work so I have the luxury of not having to get up but I could literally stay in bed all day .... not sleeping but watching mindless tv . I wonder if this is meno or just depression or both!!
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Guest lori93950
Hi lori, i think we’ve chatted before. I’ve had those days. Still do here and there. I feel weary and dizzy. I am always awake at 4am, then exhausted by 2pm. But, Sure, i could just sit and read for hours, not sleeping. Just sent a message to my dr to test iron levels (thanks to you awesome ladies). I own my own business, but had to stop in Dec, just couldn’t keep up. I think it definitely causes one to be depressed when you go for months/years feeling lousy while others around you seem so full if life! I am still on the AD and doing a little better. Not dancing in the streets, but better. I just wish I had my stamina back! 😊
caroline62395 lori93950
lori93950 caroline62395
I get up then get back in bed .... I don’t sleep but just feel so lethargic and lie there for hours just watching tv . Many women have had to take months of sick leave .... this issue needs more sympathy and attention it’s ruining our lives .
mauiblue caroline62395
Hi Caroline
Yes its pretty darn scary horrible.
It's a mental challenge, because you are totally withdrawn from the world (i am anyways) and you don't have interest or care about anything in are so flat and dark and lacking hormones//chemicals..and you have to pretend that you care and feel 'normal'.
The only thing that matters to me are my kids, that is how im able to go on and do what i do..then there are good days/hours where i cant believe i have been so low for so long. (a vicious cycle)
lori93950 mauiblue
I wanted to cry reading your post Mauiblue
Because it just mirrors how I’m feeling too .
I watch all my friends with so much energy and cheeriness and I’m here/ we’re here barely getting through the day .
My little kitty cat is my love and I screamed at her today . She is so loving and so adorable I feel so bad but I’m at the end of my tether . Endless drs appts more and more money and more just ‘trying things’ to see if they work . 😪😪😪
Nancy2121 lori93950
Please try not to beat yourself up Lori! I've taken it out on everyone around me. I'm sure we ALL have! This stage of life SUCKS! And you're not alone! Hugs!
mrs_susan74280 lori93950
lydia2311 lori93950
lori93950 lydia2311
My b12 was low and now taking that ... twice a day . I love to run and have to take one before I run with a cup of coffee otherwise I couldn’t go !
Glad the estrogen is working Im seeing ANOTHER dr hormone specialist Thursday which I have to pay an exorbitant amount to see but don’t care just want to feel well!
Wasted so much money !
Donna23316 lori93950
Hi Lori, I can honestly say that I've never felt a tiredness quite like this before. There's normal tired, then there's this blanket tiredness. Where I feel a heavy feeling weighing me down. I then have to stop whatever I'm doing and sleep. I've also fallen asleep sat up in the middle of talking to someone. and i genuinely don't know I'm doing it. I've definitely got low energy and generally feel everything's an effort. Donna xxx
lori93950 Donna23316
Donna23316 lori93950
Hi Lori, thanks for your reply hun, that's the only time I can sleep. It's not like a normal,relaxed wind down like I'm sure most people enjoy at night. And once I'm awake, I'm awake. No chance of ever falling back to sleep. I just get up then. It's been that way for years. It's to do with my anxiety, for sure. It sounds like you are over-tired. You would think being over-tired, it would be easier to sleep. But it's just not that simple. Donna xxx
emmeline93814 lori93950
Stayed in bed all day as it was necessary. See this time as a gift. You probably rushed about too much in your life anyway. Now you are forced to stop, reflect and grow as a person from all the experiences, ultimately making you into a better, not bitter.. Person. Love to everyone. Don't you dare give yourselves a hard time
lori93950 emmeline93814
I’ve not worked in 11 years so there’s no excuse it’s just all hormones . I do exhaust myself with tough workouts and I drag myself there.
Wish I could nap again .... all this stress ... I can’t relax until I have my glass of wine at night 🍷
mauiblue emmeline93814
Thank you Emmeline