Can't sleep,in pain neck and ears.

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I'm so tired can't sleep feeling drained, have pain on the back of my neck head ears,is this another perimenapause symtom. 

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18 Replies

  • Posted

    Hiya Jacqueline 

    Not sure for defo that the pain you are getting in one of the symptoms of the menopause, but I get that as well, my neck, and back of my head hurt when I go to bed, and rest on the pillow, had ear probs to but not as much as the head pressure, I’m 4 years in to this crap, so I just put it down to meno, as always, right or wrong I’m not sure, but because I seem to be getting every symptom that goes with the memo, maybe this is another lol 🤗x

    • Posted

      Noooo Iv not, as head/neck pain been going on for around a year now, and don’t think it be cold/ flu any thing like that as not got the symptoms, and think it would be over with by now..,

      And seem to have come across a lot of ladies having same prob as going through menopause 🤗x

    • Posted

      It feels to me like a muscle pain and it cracks when I move it from side to side 
  • Posted

    I haven’t have ear pain but the head and neck ufff is very uncomfortable . 
    • Posted

      Hi is it on one side ,mine is on the right side I started perI menapaus 4 months ago but this started over a month ago I'm wondering if this is a perimenapause symtom 

  • Posted

    Sounds more like sinus infection flu/cold going on with you.. They tend to hang around and be bothersome for a while.. Does pain meds or cold meds help you at all?
    • Posted

      Went to ent dr he said he didn't see any infection he told me to put warm compressor on that area for about 15 min a day 3 times a day then he said to see him back in a month for a ct scan .

      Could this be a perimenapause symtom 

    • Posted

      Do the warm cloths help ? I have one that I use ,heats into the microwave a few seconds and stays warm for an hour.. I always find relief with that as well as heating pad..try the warm cloths/pads and try not to concentrate too much on it,, while you have the cloths on it and laying down play a game or meditation app on your phone to try and get your mind off it.. If doc says he doesn't see anything wrong, then it'll pass with time, whatever is causing it, be peri,memo or sinus.. Sometimes just got to do mind over matter.. Praying it passes for you soon?

  • Posted

    I have the head/neck/ear thing too!  It comes and goes which to me indicates it’s hormonally related.  I’ve been checked out and no infections.   Mine is more of a pressure feeling in my head and ears and seems to be worse on the right side, with aching down the back of my head and into my neck.  I take some Tylenol and sit with a hot pack on the back of my neck and this really helps! 🙂

    • Posted

      Thank you for sharing this with me ,I'm really sick of going through perimenapause I started perI 4 months ago but this whole thing started a little over a month ago, some one told me that it can even give you gallbladder pain without even having gallstones. 

    • Posted

      It’s formsure a rollercoaster ride.  I’ve been through peri and have entered the menopause stage.  I had a hysterectomy two years ago with ovaries left in and by my symptoms I’m pretty sure they are fighting their last fight.  Still having symptoms but they have definitely lessened and occur further hang in there!
    • Posted

      That's good to hear tm. I started all this about 2 years ago. I do sometimes feel like the symptoms aren't as bad as they were in the beginning, but it could be that I've got used to some of them. I'm trying to hang in there and hope for this to be over soon

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