Can this be Peri-Menophase
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Hello everyone, how comforting to find a site like this and to read what others are also experiencing I am nearly 51 and a lot of my systems sounds just like yours, Here I thought I was all alone and going crazy. I have now been battling this strange feeling of shaking, anxiety, not sleeping, hot flashes, Panic, dizziness, fatigue, irregular periods, crying, irritation , NO sex Drive, and the list goes on and on. One system that really bothersome the most is the feeling of I can't breathe. and
this brings on more of the anxiety. These feeling just came out of no where about two years ago. Ihave been to the doctors several times, the heart doctor, the E.R and I have checked out fine. The doctor put me on anti-anxiety meds which I do not like to take, due to more side affects. I used to love to go camping with friends, go out place overnight with my husband now I'm afraid to do all the things I used to enjoy in fear of passing out, on the anxiety and panic to hit and feel of being
embarrassed. I guess I'm not alone and this is a feeling of many of you. Now I found a place I can come a get some comfort.
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I love a glass of wine when socialising or with my evening meal but I can't drink alcohol at all now as my hot flushes become much worse. Sometimes I will allow myself a white wine spritzer but I know my flushes will be a tad worse that night. Coffee does the same thing so I only drink it first thing in the morning but I probably shouldn't drink it at all. I love spicy food but chillies are a stimulant so I've cut them out too as they also cause hot flushes.
It's the terrible mood swings that trouble me the most and the thoughts in my head are awful. I constantly question myself, I used to be confident, I could make decisions but now I struggle with a fog of confusion in my mind.
I have found that Exercise helps me to put things into perspective, especially swimming and yoga. I'm not particularly good at either but it makes me feel more positive. Walking in the countryside also helps me a lot, I find it spiritual and it truly calms my thoughts, plus the natural light triggers melatonin in our brains which helps us sleep better.
I hope some of these ideas will help you.
Take care and let me know how you go.
julie2510 Blondiegirl
a_bit_bummed Blondiegirl
deirdre01438 Blondiegirl
Hi Blondiegirl, just wondering if things have improved since you posted this.I'm suffering with dizzy spells, lightheaded, vlurry visiin, jount pains, anxiety and low moods for the past 2 years plus and many other symptoms. I just hope I start to feel better soon .