Can this be Peri-Menophase

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Hello everyone, how comforting to find a site like this and to read what others are also experiencing I am nearly 51 and a lot of my systems sounds just like yours, Here I thought I was all alone and going crazy. I have now been battling this strange feeling of shaking, anxiety, not sleeping, hot flashes, Panic, dizziness, fatigue, irregular periods, crying, irritation , NO sex Drive, and the list goes on and on. One system that really bothersome the most is the feeling of I can't breathe. and

this brings on more of the anxiety. These feeling just came out of no where about two years ago. Ihave been to the doctors several times, the heart doctor, the E.R and I have checked out fine. The doctor put me on anti-anxiety meds which I do not like to take, due to more side affects. I used to love to go camping with friends, go out place overnight with my husband now I'm afraid to do all the things I used to enjoy in fear of passing out, on the anxiety and panic to hit and feel of being

embarrassed. I guess I'm not alone and this is a feeling of many of you. Now I found a place I can come a get some comfort.

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13 Replies

  • Posted

    You definitely are not alone with all these symptoms but you are right,it's good to know others are in the same situation. I cannot offer you any solutions - just be comforted to know it is a phase that will one day pass. I wrote on this site in utter desperation and there are lots of lovely women out there who can offer some sympathic words. Good luck
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    know how you feel, I'm 47 and unfortunately I started early 2003 I had missed my period and thought I was pregnant, my youngest was only 3, kept doing pregnancy tests all negative, went to doctor got blood tests and was devastated to find I had started peri-menopause. I've had a hysterectomy in 2006 and am on estrogens (premarin) now I'm suffering from extreme tiredness and awful body cramps, have had series of blood tests and nothing shows up yet I can be crying with pain, so I've got to back to my doctor who thankfully is female and very understanding to see where we'll go now. Its just awful it seems neverending.
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    Blondiegirl, all of those issues can come from a hormonal cause. That doesn't mean that's definitely what's going on, but sure, it could be peri. Is it possible to ask your doctor for blood tests to confirm?
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    hello blondiegirl, i feel your pain. I too am 51 and have many of your symptoms and there debilitating but i must say i feel after 2 years i seem to be more used to them and they don't frighten me as at the beginning except for the dizziness that can happen anywhere then i get anxious, this is why i don't go out so far on my own and have lost my independence. I know like Christine we can't offer you a solution but just to know we are here for you to chat to helps. But there are lovely wonderful ladies on here that will help so keep in touch and take care. sending you a comforting hug x
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    Thank you ladies for your replies, glad to have found this forum, be sure to know that you will be seeing a lot of me.
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    Hi blondiegirl, I too have your symptoms. Mine started about a year and a half ago. I too felt like I couldn't breath and actually became obsessed with my breathing. In the end I went for counselling which was arranged through my doctor and it helped tremendously. I'm 52 next month and I feel like my life is on hold at the moment. My anxiety has calmed down, realising that it's all part of perimenopause helps. My main symptom, as well as all the other ones is headaches headaches headaches. Why does no one warn us ladies that going through the menopause can be no picnic. I've just had a migraine for 2 weeks. I just try to think positively and keep telling myself it will get better, some days I feel like I've totally lost the plot, or ass the saying goes in the film Shirly Valentine "Loop the Frickin Loop. Chins up ladies, we are all in this together
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    Hello Blondiegirl, for sure you are not alone! I have experienced similar symptoms during my menopause. Last year I had suspected ovarian cancer and had to have an operation, which pushed me further in to the menopause. I have responsibilities at work, my family need me and I owe it to myself to get a handle on all of this so Im trying to approach it with a positive attitude. I have researched natural alternatives to HRT and follow a good eating plan, I don't eat processed foods, eat very little meat, I eat 7 to 9 portions of fruit and veg a day. Swimming, yoga and walking all help me, along with supplements of star flower oil and red clover. I look after myself more now than I've ever done, I feel better just knowing that I'm doing my best. In the past I've had dark days and my feelings shocked me. I'm determined to ride the waves and come out the other end stronger for it. Take care of yourself Blondiegirl.
  • Posted

    Hi ladies, This sure is a roller coaster ride. Some days I feel fine, some I feel dizzy, light headiness, The brain fog, Anxiety, Night sweats, day sweats, headaches , Can't sleep, and the list just goes on and on. I have been t the doctors and she has stated that it can be peri - menophase but has not told me for sure. I have had all the test that you can imagine. Everything has came out normal. My periods have been irregular. Some months No Period, others I can have tow. Very Flustrutating. I used to be a very outgoing person loved to go everywhere. Now I'm afraid to go far from home due do these feelings, and not knowing when they are going to come out of the blue. I still get this feeling of I can't breathe and it is very strange. I keep asking myself how long is this going to last. Good luck to all of you ladies going thru this. I feel your pain.
  • Posted

    Morning Blondiegirl, I understand how you feel as I feel the same way and have been experiencing some of the symptoms that you are. The thought that these feelings can go on for years is very depressing. I have tried three or four different types of HRT but they themselves have side effects that I don't like, so I stopped taking them and decided to take a natural approach to dealing with all of this.

    I love a glass of wine when socialising or with my evening meal but I can't drink alcohol at all now as my hot flushes become much worse. Sometimes I will allow myself a white wine spritzer but I know my flushes will be a tad worse that night. Coffee does the same thing so I only drink it first thing in the morning but I probably shouldn't drink it at all. I love spicy food but chillies are a stimulant so I've cut them out too as they also cause hot flushes.

    It's the terrible mood swings that trouble me the most and the thoughts in my head are awful. I constantly question myself, I used to be confident, I could make decisions but now I struggle with a fog of confusion in my mind.

    I have found that Exercise helps me to put things into perspective, especially swimming and yoga. I'm not particularly good at either but it makes me feel more positive. Walking in the countryside also helps me a lot, I find it spiritual and it truly calms my thoughts, plus the natural light triggers melatonin in our brains which helps us sleep better.

    I hope some of these ideas will help you.

    Take care and let me know how you go.

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    Please remember ladies that this is all TEMPORARY!! You will get yourself back. Our bodies are going through a change, a normal change. It's the change part that our bodies are reacting to, it's the change in hormones. Once the change settles down so should our symptoms. The moods, I find the hardest to understand. One minute I'm crying at a stupid TV commercial, the next I'm giggling like a school girl. The giggling is a new one for me. I was out with my husband and a friend and I got the giggles over something trivial. I couldn't stop and was a little embarassed. Tears streaming down my face and everything!! How strange.. this is one peri menopause symptom I have not heard of yet. Has anyone tried anything natural? The HRT is not for me as I have read the research on it and it scares me. For those who don't know HRT has been known to increase strokes, blood clots and breast cancer. Good luck all!!
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    Hi am just the same i can hardly climb my stairs and my legs really do hurt and i do shake alot.I will 50 in October.When i get in bed i start scratching and i cant stop then i wake up i dont no how many times in a night wet through.


  • Posted

    It's great to hear what you all are going thru.  I don't feel so alone in all of this.  It's been about a year now and I just don't feel good.  I'm 51 and I'm just not the same as I was before.  I use to love to go out with my friends and now I just want to hang out, many times by myself.  I don't have hot flashes, the doc has told me my blood work is all normal, my periods are all normal - but I'm definitely not as I was.   I love to exercise but I'm finding it hard to find the energy to get up.  I say this as I've exercised regularly since I was 12 years old.  I've exercised my whole life!!  For the most part I sleep okay.  I go thru spells where I don't sleep and toss and turn but I also go thru spells where I sleep great.  I use to have the Mirena and the doc switched it out to something without hormones a year ago - ,my life has drastically changed since.  He said it might throw me into immediate menopause, yet my bloodwork hasn't changed so they say it isn't so.  I love how men minimize these things.  "It'll be no big deal!!"  he said - LOL!!
  • Posted

    Hi Blondiegirl, just wondering if things have improved since you posted this.I'm suffering with dizzy spells, lightheaded, vlurry visiin, jount pains, anxiety and low moods for the past 2 years plus and many other symptoms. I just hope I start to feel better soon .

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