Cancelling Summer Trip due to Peri Symptoms
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I feel so terrible for having to cancel my 3 week trip to Europe but the way I’m feeling... ok one day then unable to leave the house the next .... it’s just not worth chancing it. The trip may actually improve my mood but to be 6000 miles from home with all these symptoms ... not worth it.
This surely is an ILLNESS ! And definitely not in our minds .
If anybody can make me feel better 😪 if you’ve had to cancel events .. or anything important please respond !
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Amalie13 lori93950
lori93950 Amalie13
It started about 3 months ago not being able to get out of bed until the afternoon then I went to Santa Fe and spent most of the daytime in the hotel room but was ok at night which I hear many people say ? They’re ok at night ?
After that trip was just so dizzy doing my run
And many days of just complete fatigue .
Ended up in emergency 2 weeks ago as almost passed out at the store . I can only do errrands if my brain is in a good space but on top of it all feel like my mind is getting very negative .
Amalie13 lori93950
It is a very difficult time. Sigh 😔. You are not alone. Forcing yourself “up” (while hard) can be beneficial. This weekend was crap for me..... I understand.
Amalie13 lori93950
pamela2016 lori93950
I totally agree with you it's not in our minds it's a illness they can't fix in my opinion and we suffer,I'm due to leave for vacation this Saturday and I'm scared I won't be able to take the heat with all these symptoms. Fl is so much hotter then it is here where I live. The heat gets to me here I don't want to go and be in hotel room all day everyday I been debating backing out. Thing is my family has suffered enough of me cancelling trips and things and staying home. So I know how you feel about feeling horrible with all this and can't t enjoy our lives
kelly55079 lori93950
I backed out a trip to Ca just recently.. Just feel tired and not with it most of the time!! Sorry you canceled your trip and hopefully you'll feel better and get there soon.. I think if you go with relaxing calm people you should be fine, I'm not one for a busy itinerary either.
nanc00951 lori93950
I didn't cancel an event, but was away from home and went into complete panic over the way I was feeling.
I began to have wobbly legs, get light headed, nausea.
I stayed in my hotel room until it was time to fly home; and I had to delay my flight because I was afraid I would get sick on the flight home.
I thought I was getting the flu, but never got sick.
After returning home, and much research, I realized these symptoms were perimenopause.
That part of the perimenopause is ended for me, BUT I still have all the bad anxiety/depression.
Right after that trip is actually when I found this forum!!
Although I still feel terrible, at least I can read these posts to know I am not alone.
lori93950 nanc00951
I sat in my room until 1pm went out for 2 hours then had to get a taxi back to the hotel
As was feeling absolutely awful!
I’ll be on my hands and knees praying again tonight ! Feel like I don’t own my own mind !
nanc00951 lori93950
Then I went right back to hope I would sleep it off.
I was most worried because I was so far from home, and of course the more I panicked the worse I felt.
I also suffered from postpartum depression. The anxiety and depression part of this are identical to how I was feeling then.
Amalie13 nanc00951
lori93950 nanc00951
How long did the fatigue dizziness and let’s just say wonkyness last ?
I have got depression too but can get myself out of it if I can work out a lot . With the dizziness it’s been hard to run however .
nanc00951 lori93950
The problem was that the first time it occurred I was far away from home.
Just hoping it stays away!
Amalie13 lori93950
Amalie13 lori93950
Sassyr12a lori93950
Hi Lori
I nearly cancelled my cruise this year, and not so long ago very nearly didn't go in a trip from UK to florida. I've regularly backed out if things - meetings, school events, social events etc and it sucks! I think you did the right thing with your trip and I probably would have done the same. Much better to go when you can have the kind of holiday you deserve. Don't beat yourself up about it though, only you and this forum know how crippling this can be. Maybe just start small for now xx