Cannot work anymore
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So I had to leave my job early today, and I cannot work tomorrow due to my extreme anxiety and my bp which was through the roof. I don't think I'm going to be able to work in physical therapy anymore at least until I'm done with this crap. My dad is supossed to inherit some money, but I'm worried. Does anyone know of any legit work from home jobs?
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Guest kathryn81522
Yes, Kathryn I do since I can't send links look up Concentrix work at home they are real legit employment and pays good and you can get full time I use to work for them! Also Sutherland Global WAH. Sykes powered by Alpine WAH all these are REAL employment good pay and work from home. I know more but these are the best ones. I think these are wonderful opportunities and blessing jobs for women going through meno or any other reason to be at home. Check them out they offer tons of different jobs that best suit you .
teresa33877 Guest
looloo43 Guest
Hi Crosado, that is great info. whilst I'm largely on top of peri symptoms with hrt, I have been off work with chronic bowel conditions since may, & my job in a retail store is becoming more jeopardised the longer i am off with no conclusion yet from current tests by my gastro consultant. this may well be an option for me to look into for the future should the worst case scenario of losing my beloved job of 9 years occur. thankyou so much for giving me something to think about & some hope for the future should the worst happen. xxx
cynthia00141 kathryn81522
Kathryn, have you looked into over the counter natural progesterone cream? It's great for anxiety. Plus it helps balance out the estrogen. Email me if you're interested, and I can let you know more.
karen46733 cynthia00141
I keep seeing progesterone cream but not sure it's all about or how it might help
teresa33877 kathryn81522
Hi, I know it can be difficult . I have been lucky on that part. I had a baby at 42. First I had postpordom. Which was weird because I never had it with my other two kids. Anyway I eventually realized it was perimenopause . It's been crazy. Low energy. Racing heart , anxiety . No fun. It has gotten slightly better. Since taking vitamins, soy mile, and flax seed. But I heard the cream is great. My girlfriend is a RN has she started and Sid it gives her so much energy now and she feels better all the way around. So good luck. I wish you well.
claire45280 kathryn81522
Hi Kathryn, I have worked from home since 2010. I also have M.E and earlier this year was diagnosed with Primary Hyperaldosteronism. Along with ?Endometriosis and peri symptoms on top, I think I am staying put! I initially started selling my own cards with inspirational poetry, which I had a lot of positive feedback from, but it didn't bring in enough pennies. After that I had an Ebay bookshop. I stopped doing that last summer when I could only manage 2 hours a day. I simply couldn't put in enough hours to sell enough books. I now have a YouTube channel, which has been the most successful. There are no costs in this as there were in the other things I tried, as we already had the computer equipment. If you have a camera you can record videos on and you don't mind speaking on camera,you could maybe do something with all your Physio knowledge (just an idea), or maybe you have a hobby which you could film for DIY videos. It's worth checking out some of the videos for some ideas. Generally the last quarter of the year is the best financially. Some Youtubers earn big money :-) My 11 year old has one and she is getting pocket money from that :-)
Good luck with whatever you decide.
Guest claire45280
claire45280 Guest
I'm self employed.
looloo43 claire45280
Hi Claire. can i ask how do you actually make money out of youtube & how is it paid to you, on what basis etc?? thankyou. xx
claire45280 looloo43
Hi LooLoo. When you have a few videos uploaded you can monetise them. YouTube will then put adverts on your videos from their advertisers. The money accumullates in two ways; one from clicks on the ads, two from the length of time they are watched. The money actually is paid to you from Google. For this to happen you need to apply for an Adsense account. Once they decide you meet the criteria (basically that you have enough views) for the Adsense account you can start earning money. Google pay you each month from your advert revenue. Once you have $100 dollars the money can be transferred to your bank account. They verify your bank account before your first payment the same way that Paypal verify bank accounts.
By far the most beneficial thing about this is my self esteem. I had to give up my job in 2002, after a back injury where I tore 2 of my lower discs. I was a Nursing Auxillary. I tried to return after physio, but couldn't manage it. Then in 2003 the M.E symptoms started. Having done YouTube for a year and having relative success with it, I can now say that I feel the same way about my contribution to society as I did then. It is so hard being unable to work due to health issues. I knew there was something that I was ABLE to do. I had had enough of seeing all the household chores as something I was unable to do.
looloo43 claire45280
claire45280 looloo43
You're welcome x
Guest claire45280
claire45280 Guest
Guest claire45280