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Hello Ladies, been on here a few times lately and been really touched with all the feed back I have received with all my problems but today have come across another worry which my husband is getting so fed up with me , he is now saying I need help 😢He thinks I'm becoming a nightmare with all my symptoms ,,, I don't want too keep finding things wrong with me but they seem too be multiplying lately , I have a pain under my left arm pit which feels quiet painful when I press in with my finger cant feel any lump just one spot where my finger pushes in , started this morning , Is it through what they cancer doesn't hurt ??? It could be hormonal I'm 56 and lately finding lots of thing to have to go to my doctors with , has any ladies suffered with sudden painful feeling under there armpit on here 🤔🤔 any helpful suggestions please as at the moment my husband is making me feel bad about things and feeling I can keep going to my doctor with things . 

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20 Replies

  • Posted

    You need to see your gynecologist and get a breast exam and armpit and your dr needs to send you for a 3D mammogram - you need to discuss all your aches and pains with your dr - are you earpting healthy - off animal fats and caffeine and sweets - eat more protein fresh fruit and veggies 
  • Posted

    I feel I shoud have a chair with my name on it at my GP. I am there so often. This week, its a lump in the breast crease. Just want to be well and trying so hard to fight all these problems, but, how much can a person take!!
    • Posted

      They should be giving you such a thorough exam or sending you for MRI's ultra sounds scans whatever it takes to give you a thorough check over 

    • Posted

      Had a mammogram a couple of months ago and it was all clear, but this has only appeared 2 weeks ago. I am going on Monday and I hope to have an ultra sound. Had so many scans for various problems in the last few years, you would not believe. Really fed up with it all.Every week, another problem
    • Posted


      I hear ya! Everyday have another symptom. I too wondering when will get my life back. My memory is awful, foggy,no anbition, cry alot ect!!

      I'm so glad found this website! At least now know I'm not crazy. I keep praying that tomorrow will be better.

    • Posted

      Hello Alison , you feel like I do it is really bad I even hate saying my name to the receptionist , but this under arm pain needs checking out, at the moment I hate the thaught of having to go through yet more tests and walk into my doctors with another problem .
  • Posted

    I wish they could feel how we feel one day. They should be happy they weren't dealt this hand. God was good to them!

  • Posted

    I read all of everyone's issues and my heart aches for all of you - with so much cancer these days our dr's need to be going the extra mile to see that we are healthy - I was having abdominal pain - told my primary I needed to see a gyn so he sent me - was just to have a Pap smear but so many unexpected things showed up and now I am facing a hysterectomy - I was having aches and pains, depression, tears - I'm a breast cancer survivor so aches and pains send my mind into a tizzy - I was on tamoxifen and was so sick that I quit the drug and things began to change - mad an appt to see my oncologist 


    • Posted

      Hi marnee, hope you feeling better now when is your operation ?? Let me know .
    • Posted

      My hysterectomy has not been scheduled yet - I have to recover from my d and c hysreroscopy - had complications and slowly recovering - gyn said it would not be done in Sept and possibly not even in October but would definitely be before the years end - I was hospitalized in March and had breast surgery and then again the end of May for further breast surgery and I think because of my age and each surgery under general anesthetic he is not rushing this 
  • Posted

    Hi Anne, I can completely identify with you I'm exactly the same I go back and forth to Dr I see a different one a lot of the time, I get a regular breast examination with one particular dr every 6 weeks because I am sure I can feel lumps each month, he has referred me to breast clinic to reassure me! I went last week as I was stressing about 2 brown spots on my face which I hadn't noticed before. I've been getting cramps pains in abdomen on and off since Feb each time I get an examination it reassures me until next time they say it's IBS. I'm going back Tues as pains over weekend and I'm sick of it to be honest want an ultrasound scan! I did get an achy feeling in armpit awhile ago, I get random stabbing pains in different areas of my body along with aches and pains it's unbelievable. I really dread ringing the surgery and giving my name too😞 If it's bothering you and worrying then go back to Drs you need reassurance to be able to deal with this.

    • Posted

      Hi frankie , we sound like sole mates with our problems I'm visiting the doctor on Wednesday about my pain in arm pit and still waiting for a swab to see why my yeast infection hasn't cleared up which they told me it would be back Friday the latest but guess what not back told to ring on Monday 😡😡 so while waiting for that my pain under arm pit started on Saturday it's never ending , will let you know how my appointment goes .

  • Posted

    Hi anne, I know exactly what you are going through. I have been back and forth to the doctors so many times this year. My husband has gone with me to several ER visits with me. Everytime I went I thought I was dying of something. The doctors would find nothing. Now I go to the doctor by myself. I don't want to scare my husband away. Unfortunately it is hard for men to truly understand what women go through. Try talking to him as much as you can. Menopause is hard for both partners. When I am in full swing of my symptoms I let my husband know right away. That way he can be prepared and not take my crazy mood swings personally.

    I would go to the doctor and get it checked out, that way you can put your mind to rest.

    • Posted

      Anne, have your hubby read some of these posts to assure him its not you. I wish I was in a relationship now, but I have to wait for these hormones to even out, or I would scare somebody away. Momma never told me there would be days like this. She only suffered hot flashes, no mental issues like I'm suffering

    • Posted

      That last post was intended for you Maria

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