Cant eat apples!...

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Has anyone else found apples hard to digest, I never use to have a problem with them but now I get a gurgling pinchy stomach with them!

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17 Replies

  • Posted

    Yes, I had a period 2 years ago that I was completely unable to digest raw fruit, especially apples. I baked them sometimes, but even that was usually not enough. At the same time I had to stop eating dairy because of sudden asthma. The problem lasted for 3 months, later I started reintroducing pieces of raw apples until i was able to eat them again. But I do not overdo it.  I have read that many menopausal women have to bake apples in order to be able to eat them.
  • Posted

    yes, i have a problem with apples,  and as anetta said, a problem with dairy too, get sinus problems when i eat dairy.  stopped it then tried to bring it back into diet, and had sinus trouble again.  So don't know when I can have it again.  With the apples, I get uncomfortable stomach and it happens with tomatoes too.  never ending grief...

    • Posted

      Oh thank you for your reply, its wierd, up to now I was OK with apples but now I get the pinchy sort of stomach x
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      Did the problem started around menopause? because even 3 years ago I was able to eat dairy without any problems. I also ate a lot of apples and tomatoes. It seems like it is stomach realated. My sinuses get stuffed up after I eat dairy now, and I get something of an asthma problem.
    • Posted

      yes anetta.  I never had a problem with dairy before this.  Have been drinking milk all my life and the rest!  Then the sinus trouble started 2 years ago when my periods were skipped, along with all the other symptoms, but have been trying to resolve each of them individually as having them all happening together was debilitating.  So dairy went, and the sinus, and headaches that come with them stopped.  So not sure when I will try it again.  Tried it again and the problem came back.  Hopefully, when this all calms down I can have it again.  Or when I go on HRT I believe that you can eat what you used to before.  I have a feeling that without it, I will still have these problems for a long time.  Who knows for sure?
    • Posted

      It is unbelievable how your experience is similar to mine. I was 48 when this started, I moved to Florida a few years earlier and suddenly i started getting all kinds of allergies , not a runny nose but stuffed sinuses and ears, suddenly vertigo and something that resembled asthma. A lot of Chemical Sensitivities as well. I though all this was because of moving to tropics, even the inability to digest milk. 2 years ago I suddenly was extremely allergic to so many foods, nuts etc.Then it wen away a bit, but the stuffiness andasthma with dairy is still there. I also started a very strange symptom, that I get multiple knots in my body, and when I massage or press them the phlegm flows from my sinuses and perhaps even bronchis. Otherwise I cannot relieve the stuffiness. my body hurts all over because of that. I am scared of HRT, I am just afraid of more symptoms, especially anxiety and depression, because I already have a load of that. i still menstruate, I see no end of that tunnell. My mother never had any problems digesting dairy during meno BTW.
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      anetta, i am 48 also.  I also have a blocked ear and ringing in it.  I have considered a massage for lymphatic drainage, have you heard of that? Sounds to me that it could be good for you too.  HRT did scare me before now but I have read a lot and think it would be beneficial especially at our age.  I also still menstruate and these are becoming more troublesome and painful, so I could be facing years more of this and not prepared to wait any longer for some relief.
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      Yes, the thing has some features of lymphatic circulation problems, but it stems from my intestines or stomach. I think. Have you ever had heat intolerance with your symptoms. I find it impossible to exist in heat and humidity.
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    Yes, I had it and I guess still have it whit tomatoes and tomato juice. Did your problems with the dairy started around menopause?
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      Im OK with dairy just apples which came on recently, I am almost two years post menopause x
    • Posted

      consider yourself lucky then smile  Not being able to eat apples is not the worst you can get during menopause sad

    • Posted

      Yes I suppose lol, I did have to cut out quite abit when I had gastitis but thankfully can eat and drink most things now, I just wondered if it was common not to be able to digest them, I was fine up till now with them. I am on a sort of diet and I liked to snack on them for lunch but will stick to bannas instead x
    • Posted

      What were the symptoms of the gastritis?  Did you treat it? i hear that it is a common complaint during menopause. My stomach is so bad, that I think I have cancer. But it seems that menopause is like a cancer sad


    • Posted

      Dear anetta

      The first symptom was a gradual loss of appetite , nausea, burning sensations in chest area with discomfort plus heartburn and at one stage when I are something it felt like spasms in stomach area (I think that was when it was at its worse!) It took some weeks to cure! Xx

    • Posted

      i have had something similar now, for about a month. I wonder if it can go away by itself?
    • Posted

      Dear anetta

      If it is gastitis then you probably will need to see a doctor, they prescribed me ppi's, which will reduce the acid in the stomach, I was put on Omeprezole but I went onto another one because they didn't agree with me and made my stomach abit gassy, I cut out fat and spicy foods, alcohol and caffeine and even then I had it for some months. With ppi's you dont stop them suddenly, so then I gradually reduced them down to say one other day until I stopped them. Because I have a hiatas hernia I also have the top of our bed raised so when I lie down at night no acid/food/reflux can flow up. Thankfully I can say it did clear up but it did take time. I also asked for an endoscopy to see that is what it was x

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