cant stand this heat
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Hi all you ladies, i have been doing ok well the best i can with perimenopause then wham im hot all the time then whoosh hot flushes on top of that and constant headache six weeks now this heat thing started
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jaime06078 karen71465
Let's hope that's all you get.... I'm on HRT and I'm still getting symptoms
brendababy jaime06078
Me too Jamie, I thought HRT would ease all of the symptoms but it hasn't, so confused with it all 🙄 Xx
sharcerv52408 karen71465
Yes I've been struggling with the heat here in NYC too. This heat affects my blood pressure. It makes me feel dizzy and weird. That's why I stay inside as much as possible during the hot hours of the day. My GP just changed my bp meds. So far it's been helping. But this heat exacerbates things.
Zigangie karen71465
Hi Karen,
I don't know where you are in it all.
The heat you are talking about started for me in my last year.
To begin with the odd few weeks of it but by 3 years post I just boiled all the time and it was making me snappy.
Worse if I was anywhere hot, cooking in shops in the winter who obviously need to have heating on for staff.
Anyway started HRT in November mainly for this problem and it's been brilliant.
Up until meno I was always the ice queen never warm except for on the very warmest summer days. Within a week of using HRT I'd gone back to that place for most of the time, now if I have a hot day it is just that one random day here and there and I can deal with that.