Cant stop Belching this morning :( Woke up again highly

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stressed because hubby was back to work today. Started the morning with a cry and sure enough up ramps my anxiety and the gas starts..

Gawd i even applied for a new  job (full time from my current part time role) in an attempt to distract myself from all my mental chaos. It went really well btw and the guy just rung back and i was too afraid to answer the phone so i didnt!!

I just wish all this crap would stop! Here i am applying for jobs and thinking about moving house just because my MENTAL CHAOS.. I keep looking for distractions and anything to keep me from having to be on my own where my mind starts and drives me insane with the health anxiety.

I had such a good day yesterday, we went out for the day, i was pretty relaxed and no stupid symptons then today, back to work./school/routine and im all messed up again!

My period which turned up early AGAIN and now its day 3 and its pretty much stopped cold turkey when normally it would be pretty heavy, so i cant complain about that but surely its indicative of hormone related issues..

I still get so scared whatever is going on with me isnt hormones, i try the postivie affirmations etc. But many alive this stuff eats away at you..

Snowball i MUST MUST MUST TRY that rhodiola...

I watched an interesting article about peri and menopuase and the Dr said the reason women dont handle it like back in the old days is:

Adrenal exhaustion/stress, adrenals shut down and dont out put the right hormones.. (something similar)

Sugar - we are all consuming too much sugar

Soy - anything not organic and fermented is very bad for us and its put into pretty much any process foods (which is true re the foods, i look at the ingredients and theres soy this soy that as addtivies in so much its scary)

Exercise - alot of us are living sedentary lifestyles, too much sitting and not enough moving around.

IM NOT SAYING this guy is correct BUT i found it interesting and it really made me think about my toxic lifestyle of too much caffeine (stresses adrenals) and yeh i do sit around way too much... sad

Sorry for the rant, i just find such solace in talking to you ladies. Thanks


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6 Replies

  • Posted

    That sounds pretty accurate to me, especially about sugar.  I used to enjoy getting lots of exercise but now feel so out of it that I just don't care.  Scares me that I don't really feel like taking care of myself.
  • Posted

    The guy may be right, but as I understand it up until 2001/2 before the HTC scares it would be thought of as miss conduct for a doctor to not offer HRT.

    So we really only have 14 years of experience of women not having it.

    Previous to those trials in the early 2000s there were no contraindications for women to take it either.

  • Posted

    That article does sound interesting, and would almost have to agree. I didn't know soy was so bad for women in peri.
  • Posted

    That guy you spoke with is totally spot on Ellacraig, thats exactly what i was told by an endocrinologist, is where i learnt everything from, its the sudden and hard fast falls and fluctuations, that causes our symptoms to be severe, not necessarily that they are low, its all a shock to the system, and if were not taking a single pill, or patch as in HRT, we have to deal with it all individually, and its that that gets me, get so confused with whats doing what, when!!..................ha

    Im the same, not so bad when my hsubands home, and over easter its been longer hasnt it, and when i know hes going back, doesnt help with my symptoms, but i dont tell him that, just glad when friday comes around again and hes off.

    You are taking an awful lot of physical and mental stress on with a full time job, and moving as well, be careful, whilst exercise does help with fatigue and lethargy,  but overdo either the mental, or, phsyical side, it will make you worse in the long run, pace yourself, drink plenty of water, stay off refined sugars  and caffine, during a peri flare, do your relaxation techniques, but  im sure working will get your mind off it, good luck with the job result sounds positive if hes rang you quickly.

    • Posted

      Thanks Elaine.

      such good advice.

      i was in fact going to avoid caffeine today but had such a rough day yesterday I didn't sleep much sad 

      i hate taking too many supplements but I found an adrenal tonic at home so may start that and see if it helps any. 

      Thanks again. I love your input, you are really helpful.

    • Posted

      Thanks ellacraig, feel better soon, lets us know if your tonic helps??


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