Change of HRT

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I had not long turned 46 - May last year. When I was 'diagnosed' as going through the menopause. I had went to the Doc as I was going to bed at night and suddenly going  freezing cold (down to my bones!) to boiling hot. It was affecting my sleep as it was waking me up at night. I though maybe I had an infection. I had been missing the odd period but was still getting them most of the time. I was also feeling depressed and confused and just generally in some kind of fog.

Bloods were taken and it came back that my FSH levels were very high. I had hit perimenopause big time.

I was given Evorel Sequi patches as my GP said that due to my age and it's relatively early onset, I had best protect myself from osteoporosis and heart disease etc.

The patches calmed the temperature extremes down so that was good.

Nearly 18 months down the line and I found myself back at my GP this week. The same female GP I had seen the year earlier. Only I found her noticeably less sympathetic.

The heat extremes had started again and I felt depressed and anxious. I have suffered bouts of depression for years though and explained to the Doc that I didn't know if it was my usual common or garden depressionor because of the Menopause. I told her I had no confidence, felt terribly depressed, was on the brink of packing my job in the day before as I felt I couldn't cope. Also that I felt really ugly, old and washed up as a woman.

She just wasn't as understanding and supportive. It was as if she doubted me. "What was your intention in coming along...what were you expecting"? she asked me. I told her I just wanted advice. If it was my clinical depression taking a turn for the worse or was it because the patches weren't doing it for me anymore. If it was the former I told her I'd just try and live with it. But if it were the latter then couldn't we try another HRT. Surely I didn't have to suffer this?

She eventually gave me Elleste Duet 2mg tablets to try for 3 months. I said that at least we would know if they made me feel better then it was the Menopause.

I understand that it's best for us to stay on a low dose and that there are dangers of being on a higher dose - but surely she could have afforded me a bit more sympathy? I felt she just couldn't be bothered! I needed a bit more support! This is not something we can discuss with anyone. We need a professionals advice and guidance surely? I just felt let down and and as if she didn't believe me. Unless of course, this is the Menopause talking and yet another symptom of how I'm feeling? 

Has anyone had a similar experience? I wonder if the new increased dose really will make a difference and how long it'll take to work given that I had already been on patches of 1mg?

Totally fed up and feel as if nobody understands this.

From an ugly washed up old single woman of 47 :-( Cause that's how I feel x

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11 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi izzy

    Rrrr bless you, but total understand where your coming from and you are not on your own, we on here are going through or been through what's happening to you, so don't think for one min your alone, 

    The menopause is very cruel to us woman and y less uv gone through these symptoms u could never understand what it's like.

    I can't take HRT due to blood clots, so Iv been more or less told to just get on with it, as nothing really we can do, iv had every thing uv got or going through, hot sweats, cold , depression, headach so on, and so on, I use to go out with friends every weekend parting and havin a brill time, now Iv not been out in 2yrs, as like u I feel Iv changed to this fat ugly woman, where I wasn't b4 all this started....

    I'm 53 now and still going through this hell on earth, think it all started around when I was 48 that's wen I had mild symptoms, then for last 3 years just been one thing after another... 

    I live on my own thank god, as think I would of killed some one if they were in the same bed as me lol.. Iv got two grown up daughters who have left home, and I speak to them every day, but they don't really understand with being in there prime...

    The one hope is that one day this will all stop🤞And I mite be me again, I hope it's soon but, I just take each day as it comes now... I do hope you find some thing to help you through this and come out the other end, ...

    Take care, and your not ugly it's just that we are feeling so crap at the moment, all the best 🙂X

  • Posted

    It seems to me your doctor doesn't have a very good bedside manner, as they call it. I'd try another doctor. You don't have to put up with being treated like that.

  • Posted

    Hi Izzy,

    I'm so sorry you're going through this and not getting much help from your GP.  Your story sounds much like mine.  I'm 46 and will be 47 at the end of the year.  I've been perimenopausal for about 5 years. I've had issues with depression for as long as I can remember, but those issues have gotten considerably worse during peri.  When I was first diagnosed as being peri by my GP (I wanted to discuss all my symptoms, hot flashes, trouble sleeping, irregular periods, fear, heart palpitations, that dreaded anxiety and on and on), but this GP had no time to listen to my concerns.  He dismissed me completely, referring to my issues as "women's troubles".  I was prescribed Zolfoft, Xanax, Bentyl, blood pressure medication, black cohosh, and a PPI for acid reflux.  After that visit I had been prescribed 10 pills per day with all these medications and I felt worse than ever.  I continued to see this GP and with each visit I was prescribed more medication, but was getting very little relief.  I was especially sad because I thought by going to my GP, he would listen and offer some real solutions.  I received no help whatsoever.

    As my peri progressed I felt I needed to seek out some better alternatives if I wanted to get my life back.  I finally found a female doctor who practices holistic medicine and is very patient focused.  I explained my symptoms to her and she spent over an hour discussing how I was feeling, my specific symptoms, what my goals were for feeling better and how we could work together to improve my symptoms.  We discussed next steps and what to do in the meantime.  She was listening to every word I said and I felt she really understood.  She told me she had many many patients who were going through exactly what I was dealing with and that she understood.  I was grateful that she was really listening to me.  She did some blood work and hormonal tests and we discussed BHRT as a possible treatment.   

    Currently I'm taking vitamin D and magnesium daily (I was very low on vitamin D).  I have chaged my diet to eliminate dairy and gluten (based on some allergy testing that had been done earlier), I have been eating healthier, I drink plenty of water daily, walk regularly and practice yoga and meditation.  I am awaiting some additional hormone test results and after those are reviewed, I may consider BHRT, as some of my symptoms come in waves and the BHRT may be helpful in controlling the hot flashes, anxiety, etc.

    I wanted to write and let you know you are not alone in this.  Do not let your GP tell you your symtoms aren't real and allow her to dismiss you!  I would recommend seeking another physician (perhaps someone who focuses on holistic medicine) who will truly listen to your concerns and offer real solutions.  You deserve to be heard and you most certainly need to feel better.  You are a lovely person who is going through very difficult time.  I had no idea peri was so wicked (no one ever talks about what to expect outside of the occasional hot flash and diminishing periods).  You will feel better!  Please seek some other alternatives with respect to your health provider options.  I believe you will find the person who will listen to your concerns and help provide the right path to feeling better.  Also, this forum has been a true blessing for me.  I find the ladies who post here to be incredibly supportive.

    I wish you all the best.  I am feeling a little better and I know you will, too.  You will get through this.  I wish you all the best.  Please let me know how you are doing.  Hugs--Sarah

  • Posted

    Dawn, Suki and Sarah, thank-you thank-you thank-you for all your responses. It means a lot to me that you've taken the time to respond.

    Unfortunately my local GP practice is basically manned with unsympathetic GPs. There are around 8 of them and most of them have a bad 'reputation' in their 'bedside manner'. The whole town speaks of them though nothing is ever done about it. I live kinda in the back of beyond here in Scotland - a small ex mining town. I guess it doesn't attract the best GPs.

    I will have a go at these new tablets, I think I took the 3rd one today and will report back if/when i feel a bit better. It's just so difficult. Love and best wishes in each of your journeys xxx

    • Posted

      Give it time Izzy. It seemed to work before so perhaps a dose increase is what you need.
    • Posted

      You’re welcome, Izzy.  Hang in there.  Give it a little time and see if your symptoms improve.   Please keep posting to this site and let us know how you’re coming along. Sometimes it helps just to type it out.  We’re listening.  Hugs!


  • Posted

    Sorry to hear this...  That's terrible.  I would definitely look into seeing someone knew.  From what I read, changing your diet, drinking a lot of water and exercise will help..  There are plenty of vitimins and herbs to try to help balance hormones..  This is why I love this site to hear about what other women are trying AND it also reassures me that I'm not alone.   At the moment I take several vitimins, eat somewhat healthy, drink water and even on the days that I feel like a 'washed up old' woman I push myself to do some kind of exercise.  I just learned about fennel tea and will try that for awhile and see if that helps with these hormones.

  • Posted

    Sorry to hear that. Do you live in the US? If so, I can help you find someone
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      No I live in Scotland, UK Shar, but thanks anyway.
  • Posted

    Izzy, I'm very sorry you had such a terrible appointment.  Many of us have experienced this.  I went and saw an female endocrinologist hoping she would have some compassion for this experience.  NOPE, she acted bored and like I was an inconvenience.  At a certain point her question was, "What do you want?"   Sadly, it's about finding a decent physician who will talk to you and care.  


  • Posted

    You'd think a female dr would be a bit more empathic, wouldn't you! I often fine this is not the case. I always used to ask for a male dr to do my Pap smear - I found them much more gentle than female drs! Now, of course, smears are done by nurses.

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