Changeover from patch to gel

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Just wondering if my symptoms of heightened anxiety could be the result of changing over from patch to gel a week ago...

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Alison

    I've never tried a patch, only bhrt gels, but it makes sense that the change over would effect your mood. I've had days where my anxiety is worse when I haven't rubbed it in properly, or been a bit lax. I use a small amount of testosterone also, and when I'd run out recently my anxiety was through the roof. Take each day as it comes and breathe through it, it will settle again I'm sure. Until then keep your chin up xc

    • Posted

      Thank you Sassy. I was feeling good up until yesterday and have had to have time off work since. How do you run yours on?
    • Posted

      Hi Alison

      I rub the tostran (1 pea size amount) on one inner thigh and the sandrena on the other. Now some ladies say that inner thigh isn't the best place for absorption but I'm just going by what I was advised. The gels should just be stroked on really, not actually rubbed on, and then allowed to dry before it's covered with clothing. Sometimes that can take a while and so I think I can lose some of the goodness when I'm in a rush! I find that even though I take the meds every day, I do get a fluctuation with how good I feel every so often. That gives me a fright because I'm terrified of going backwards, but it always just settles after a few days Xx

  • Posted

    I changed from patch to cream and have been having a hard time too 
    • Posted

      I just changed yesterday as have to go out of town to see a specialized dr and the cream was not doing anything for me . I hate having to wear the patch as it bloats me  and gives me acne . However I’m just doing half patch 3.5 mg and hopefully it will get me through the long journey . 
  • Posted

    Hey, I've done the opposite and the gel just hasn't helped so I am now on patches.  Feeling bit low and fed up sure it will pass once the HRT kicks in.  Stick with it

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