Changes in period patterns

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Hello Ladies,

I hope you don't mind me posting about this but I was wondering if any of you have experienced something similar. I have been in peri probably past 6 years but only realised that this was the case about 6 months ago. I am 46. My periods were always fairly regular, in the past year or two much heavier. Recently however, past few months, I seem to start by spotting for about 5 days, it's light and on and off, then it can be fresh blood for half day, then spotting until it gets to regular bleeding, usually 3 days quite heavy and then spotting for a day and that's it. As it happens during the right time of the cycle I am thinking it must be just changing due to hormones, but I don't like the on and off aspect of it. Also previously my period was 4 days now it's extending to 8-9, the interval is also shortening, instead of 26-27 it's now 24-25. Is this normal? Or is it something to worry about?

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    I would be curious to know about this myself due to similar symptoms
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    Absolutely normal. Mine got heavy with clots. Yuck. It's all due to your changing hormones. Then at some point, you may start skipping periods. That can go on for years too. My doctor had me call her if I missed 3 and I would go on progesterone which would make me start. Until finally, that didn't work and they stopped completely. You are fine and this is all normal. Welcome to the sisterhood! ??

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    I don't have this issue, but it's not normal and birth control can control this if you are willing

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    I don't have this issue, but it's not normal and birth control can control this if you are willing

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    Dear Daisy

    I was always regular with a five day period but on entering peri I started to have the odd heavy period then they started spacing out and then I had continuous spotting which went on for a few weeks on and off not really coming to a period. I did request a transvaginal ultrasound to put my mind at rest and nothing was found apart from simple ovarian cysts, I think the change in hormones causes the upset in our cycles. I once read that I if a woman dont get any other menopause symptoms she will at least notice a change in her periods x

  • Posted

    Hi Daisy

    Perimenopause starts years before women realise it, probably 10 or more years before we enter menopause.

    My experience was first a shortening between periods from about 28/30 days to 26/28 days. Periods would either be slightly heavier or go on for longer. By age 48, I would miss the odd period. At age 50, my periods became very heavy, to the point I became anaemic and had to be prescribed iron tablets.

    I then had a period that would not stop, I was bleeding for nearly three weeks, so GP gave me something to stop this. This worked, and then my periods up to age 51 were very light - just pink and spotting until I stopped. I am now 52 and have stopped periods so am in menopause. Apart from a few hot flushes and night sweats the menopause has been much better for me than peri.

    I think what you are going through is normal at this stage, and women experience a variation of all these symptoms as our hormones go through such drastic changes.

    It won't be easy, but things will eventually settle.

    Best wishes.

    • Posted

      I never thought i would say this, but I cannoy wait until I'm menopause

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    Thank you everybody. I think ultrasound might be a good idea, just to put my mind at rest. I do get health anxiety when something is out of the normal , when changes and new symptoms appear even though they are clearly cycle related. It takes quite a bit of focus and effort to calm the anxiety. It's probably what I hate about this peri stage most, it takes so much effort to keep myself balanced and relaxed...

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