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omg im going through this premenopausal and my common law partner for almost 5 years cheating on me so here i am so stressed that i didnt eve n sleep at all while him is snooring i dont know what to do what kind of love i had for him this is my story 10 months after my husband of 8years passed away i was lonely and vulnerable one of my friend told me to go online dating so i did and talk to him online and then i told him everything as soon a i gave him my number he phobe right away and we talkes for hours and then the next day we meet and since the after that were inseparable he has 1 child a boy and i have 1 child a boy too so we clicked very happy together go on holiday and last spring break of 2016 a big bang happened he invited my friend 13 years old to baby sit the two boys and then a sleep over for 2 nights and then thats is monday morning police call me that my friend daugther accusing my partner of child sexual assault so he was in prison for the night so the next morning i kicked him out of the house but he keep coming back telling me that he is innocent everything is a lie accusation and then because i love him and his a manipulator really good one so i let him back in my house together again i supported him through but judge decision still guilty but he was lucky he file for a appeal he got it that day so i believe that he was just falsaly accused so while waiting for the his appeal court appearance he kind da changed like cold treatment for me doent want to hang out with me he chooses just to sit outsihe in his truck and smoke weeds and cigar alternate non stop so i wasnt suspecious bec i thought he is really stressed but lastnight i was shocked a woman talk to me in facebook asking if im in relationshiop with wylie my partner name so i said yes were ok omg the woman said oh i didnt know that he doesnt even mention u and your son just his son like were not existed omg so run right away downstairs and confronted him of course he has to say yes he got caught the lady told me there still in the getting to know each other but almost there she told me they meet at work first time he work out town since were together abd right away he already startwd cheatung on me like what did i do i was so nice to him ok i have mood swing i keep pushing him away to find someone younger bec i dont lile to have sex anymore and then i know his at work but if he cant message me on his break i got so mad ignore him dont reply his i love u and miss u messages and then i have mood swing cant control my emotion his 3 yrs younger than me so 2 months ago he started talking every night to this woman for 2 months like why iwasnt suspecious before he let me see his phone not anymore the fast few months how could he do this to me lie to me even went out of town be told me to help his friend but it a lie i think someone there a different girl so he.cheated on me with 2 different woman in the same time what kind of person is that after loving him and supporting him what he did to my friend daugther i even lost all my friend becayse i choose him over then coz i thought he loves and his honest and found out he lie to me now i think made me believe maybe he did it just lie to me so u can take him back coz im the only person to help him pay lawyer but his got good job do he gave me money every paychech he got he works in the film industry omg i need advice here coz i cant talk to my friends im embarass i did not listen to them should i just kicked him out of my house or should i gave him another chance and if he lost the appeal maybe he cant stay in house anymore so should i kicked him out now please need advice
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Guest janita35990
sabrina1971 janita35990
janita35990 sabrina1971
gilly_64426 janita35990
He is no good. No women will keep for long so he will try and run back to you.
Also call your friend and apologize to her for what happened to her daughter. Closure is your first step and don't worry about your past with him move on for yourself and your son.
janita35990 gilly_64426
francis28355 janita35990
angela33631 janita35990
You will only be treated how you allow people to treat you.
Get him out. He isn't going to change the examples you have given are evidence of this. You need to make a complete break from this disrespectable arsehole. Always listen to your friends, they are usually right .
Good luck x
ImagineOneDay janita35990
Contact your friends and tell them that you made a mistake. They will understand and support you. Get him out and move on. The way he is he is going to hurt so many more women out there. They are not better than you. It is just he has s bad! He won't have Ann happy and full filling life. Bit you can. Move on. GOOD LUCK. X
juanita93228 janita35990
I work in law enforcement. Apologize to your friend, and kick him out. He's a pervert and a loser, and please stay away from dating websites.
jan66332 janita35990