chest heavyness
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i have being suffering from chest heavyness from last 7 months i have done every test which is normal ot happen normally when i eat
first i thought i might be a heart problem but later i found pit it has no link because when ever i do exersice i feel good .. but when ever i eat i goes bad and sometimes when i dont eat it goes bad
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liz67338 malik85728
Hi Malik, sorry to know your suffering with this, I've also experienced this for past 2 years and chest/lung/heart tests coming up as normal. Until just very recently I've realised it's anxiety caused by the mixed signals our brain is getting due to hormonal imbalance...ive been focusing on anxiety reducing focusing on my breath when it happens, eating more B vitamins and magnesium, drinking camomile tea, and using lots of lavender oil and ylang ylang both for anxiety, also doing mindfulness meditation..and like you excercise when I can.....all of which are helping me to manage this awful symptom better and over the past two weeks it has lessened. Hope you feel better soon.
tmpearce malik85728
I get this too. Have been suffering from it off and on for past year now. All heart tests are normal. I even had heart CT scan with dye and no blockages or narrowing of arteries. Several chest x-rays and they were normal too.
I am also dealing with gastritis, acid reflux and anxiety....Especially health anxiety. The chest tightness/pressure I'm certain is hormonal and so is the gastritis and anxiety. It's all a vicious cycle and I'm not sure how to make it go away.
Right now I take ranitidine 150mg for the acid reflux and lorazepam 0.5mg as needed for anxiety and they seem to help.
I hope you find some thing that works for you.
pinkcatfairy tmpearce
didi0613 malik85728
That happens to me too.Sometimes feel like when I'm walking, I can't catch my breath. It comes and goes. All this week too my ears felt clogged when I sleep. When I wake up and start moving around I feel better.
pinkcatfairy malik85728
I think the digestive issuea with peri/meno acid reflux etc can cause this heaviness and sometimes breathlessness. I had this feeling mainly in the mornings after lying down all night. Thankfully this symptom did pass for me x
Lotti1966 malik85728
Red sauces
Cream based sauces
Spicy food
Cream cheese
Sour cream
Sleep with your head a little higher than your chest. I grabbed a couch cushion and put it under my regular pillow. Helps a lot!
Look up on the internet foods to stay away from with acid reflux.
My life is so much better
Before I had gone to the hospital thinking I was having heart attacks!
God bless