Christmas goodbyes
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well i was pathetic today. i looked at my loved ones like it was my last days. i apologized to my dog for breaking my promise to be there when she crossed the rainbow cause im so sure im dying first. she literally wont make it without me. the guilt is torture..
is this menopause all this wierd freaking things.
ifni hadnt hurt my back id thjnk that was it. but the MRI show really bad spinal
cord issues like infarction and syrinx and narrowing blood vessels. but idk seems likr its been therr for 10 years so not mich different except recovery from pulling my back out takes longer . i started sleeping on my back so mayb e thats worse on my back idk.
pain so much pain and dizziness... and cant out a sentnece together for the life of me.. legs weak spaced out like walking in a cloud. shaky drunk high feeling but not.
feeling so alone hubby is grrat but exhausted from this. inthink he eiuld br better off without me... im numb.. like the walking dead
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susane84679 dev77856
Hi dev,
The feelings you are having are perfectly normal for this stage in our lives. I just knew I was dying a few weeks ago and could not shake it, but eventually it went away. I have experienced everything you are describing and more, including really dark and scary thoughts out of nowhere that leave me thinking where the hell did that come from?! like you, my hubby is my rock and I don't think I could go through this without him, it helps that he took it upon himself to educate himself about menapause. all I can say is hang in there and eventually you will have more good days then bad..sending you hugs!
sakura26 dev77856
I'm with you. Feel like falling apart at 47. I lost a tooth a few months ago to a crack from grinding and now I've been in horrible pain all week from another tooth. Dentist didn't see anything really so probably again grinding but hurts so bad despite antibiotics and steroids so scared want to keep rest of my teeth and alone no husband etc. Just in pain and scared. Feel like my 85 year old mother is healthier with all her teeth. Think that you have a husband and dog who love you. You will feel better soon.
sunaina1983 dev77856
Helloo dear
You r not alone dear
Hang is there.
Take care of urself..take rest. have healthy diet and lots of water..
Meno effect our full body.
Some woman like us suffer alot and lucky one have only few symptoms.
Me suffering from 20 months.
All the things which you r facing
Head pressure
Falling feeling
Drunk feeling
jelly legs
leg pain
knocking in head
and list goes on ...
After visiting soo many Dr ..having soo test and many medicines....nothying one ans what going on with me...finally i admit its peri ...
This group is blessing for me...
Tk dear
Hang is there
dev77856 sunaina1983
what else if inmay ask? any back or nexk pain?
sunaina1983 dev77856
Neck pain ðŸ˜ðŸ˜
caroline76614 dev77856
I totally understand how you feel, and im sure so do many others. Please read this article that was in The Guardian newspaper some time ago, it might help you to understand. Its such a tough time, and the fear that youre going to die can be overwhelming. Sending you hugs, youre not alone X
2chr2015 caroline76614
i have read this article a couple of times. it always helps me feel better
caroline76614 dev77856
I have no idea why, cant seem to copy and paste into this website ?!
Go onto google and type in '' I thought i was dying perimemopause''and you will find the article i am talking about , its from the Guardian newspaper X
pamela2016 caroline76614
i been having alot of scary symptoms since oct that has me convinced im dying i cry daily and pray and beg for relief. your not alone i dont understand why this is so hard and symptoms so bad hang in there.
sorry was meant for dev
thank you all this helps so much. but im actually three years into menopause. i was fine thr dorst teo years then boom rofgt after thr polyp was removed from utereus all hell brokenloose
2chr2015 dev77856
Hi dev. i have been through that scenario. Its awful. I am about 4 years into peri now. This is where I am totally floored and cant make sense of how shifting hormone levels can have such an impact on our thoughts. i could have had same symptoms 10 years ago and not given it a second thought. Now, every new symptom is a death sentence. and i totally fall apart...mentally. i pray daily ((hugs))
what makes it all worse is that the doctors they just don’t give a s**t. They don’t think things through anymore don’t research the whole history. So I had a little elevated cholesterol she puts me on a diet and it ends up higher than before both my LDL and HDL average. Like what the hell. Then I pull a terrible muscle or something after my hysteroscopy and polypectomy and she won’t even give me an ultrasound or an x-ray or anything. She sent me for a PT which is making it worse etc. etc. so over it so over it so over it. I should’ve listen to my aunt when she said don’t worry about the postmenopausal bleeding it’s fine but no I had to go in there and do it and now it hasn’t stopped the pain and suffering and all the doctorsAre just awful they don’t listen they don’t believe you there’s so much red tape and you wonder why we have anxiety?