Posted , 8 users are following.
Hi as I am perimenopausle and feel down alot I have been given citroplam by my gp is anybody else on this medication and how dose it make you feel.
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Posted , 8 users are following.
Hi as I am perimenopausle and feel down alot I have been given citroplam by my gp is anybody else on this medication and how dose it make you feel.
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lynsey64857 susan43259
Hi Susan I was put on citalipram as well as propanolol last year and whilst I'm still on the propanolol I had to stop taking the citalipram didn't agree with me I felt like I was having an out of body experience but to be honest I should have given the tablets longer to settle ..instead panic set in and I stopped , I know lots of people that take them and have felt much better xx good luck hope you feel better soon this menopause is just sh*tty isn't it ? 😔
susan43259 lynsey64857
Tammy123 susan43259
susan43259 Tammy123
Tammy123 susan43259
susan43259 Tammy123
angieB48 susan43259
I've used these a couple of times in the past with mixed results. I'm using 5htp this time for a more natural approach and that plus vitamin D with food seems to be working better. If you are going to give Citalopram a try give it long enough for any initial side effects to wear off and for them to kick in. It was usually about 4 weeks in for me! Good luck!
susan43259 angieB48
angieB48 susan43259
sara97862 susan43259
Hi Susan,
I am on this medication.
Before I started on it, I had lost my appetite, couldn't sleep more than 2 hours at a time, was extremely 'out-of-body' almost all the time, and literally couldn't feel any of the ups or downs of normal life. I was way past depressed... I couldn't have cried real tears to save my life at that time. perimenopause had set in, and some nasty stresses all piled on at the same time.
I had no side effects anywhere near as bad as what I was already dealing with. For me (and my family) it has been a God-send.
I hope you feel well again soon!
deb20286 susan43259
susan43259 deb20286
zoe62821 susan43259
Hi Susan
I have been on citalopram for 3months now, currently on 40mg. I'm not going to lie and say it has been easy. I have had alot of side effects however my dosage had been increased quickly.
What I have learnt from this site is that to truly see if citalopram is helping you need to give each dose 4-6 weeks before stopping, changing or increasing your dose.
10mg is usually a tester dose and 20mg is the therapeutic dose but for some people 10mg is enough.
See how things go and be prepared for side effects. If they don't happen great but if they do know what to expect. Heightened anxiety is often the one most people hate because they are taking it to reduce that.
Good luck and keep on this site and the citalopram forum.
They are valuable support.