Clarification on PAE: Who pays?
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If anyone has ever heard of Dr. Ari Isaacson of the University of North Carolina School of Medicine, I would appreciate your feedback if you know of him, or if he has treated you. He responded to my inquiry and asked me for further information. He is an interventional radiologist. Am I to understand that most health insurance will NOT cover a PAE, but that Medicare will? Thank you.
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ronald22430 alan1951
Yes -- I know him and has his procedure -- turns out I also try Urolift after that and just had a TURP -- so for me not sure what works - Ari is a good guy and suggest to get latest update from him -- doesn't hurt to try it - Also, I did get coverage by BlueCross for the procedure --
alan1951 ronald22430
Vibes alan1951
ronald22430 Vibes
alan1951 Vibes
alan1951 ronald22430
I will turn 65 in six weeks. I'm about to send in my first Meidcare payment. I'm also giving serious consideration to supplemental insurance ("Medigap"
. Still not sure which entity will pay for a PAE (if any). Thanks again, ronald 22430
Above, I should have said "A Medicare ADVANTAGE plan may not pay. Better chance with straight Medicare parts A and B if you are relying on Medicare.
j12080 alan1951
Alan, I feel the two most experienced Doctors in this country is Dr. Bagla in Woobridge VA and Doctor Isaacson at UNC. So, last week I traveled from Texas and met face to face with each of these doctors. And now I am more confused than ever. They are both very good in this new area of PAE treatment and they both have utmost respect for each other. There are few differences between their work. Experience is most important to me and between these two doctors, they have treated over 500 cases of BPH with PAE. I don't think you can go wrong with either of these doctors as a choice. I would be doing this procedure in the next 30 days but unfortunately, on the way home from these meetings last Thursday, my wife fell and broke her leg with a pretty bad break of her kneecap so, I will now have to put my treatment off and take care of her first. After all, I can live with bad BPH but I would die without my wife. I still have not chosen between these two doctors as I like them both so much and feel tremendous confidence in each one. I suggest you do you homework. I am 65 with prostate volume of 125cc and severe BPH symptoms. I must do something or will have a catheter in my near future. Don't want that. I when she gets better after surgery, I will then pick one and go.
alan1951 j12080
j12080, Your information will prove invaluable to me. I've copied and pasted your response, as well as the other responses in this thread. "After all, I can live with bad BPH but I would die without my wife." That speaks volumes about the kind of man you must be, and you clearly have MY respect. Things always seem to fall into place for guys like you. Wishing you the best, and THANK YOU SO much.
nealpros alan1951
He is a great doctor, and very easy to work with. You have the costs wrong. MEDICARE does not pay unless you are in an approved clinical study. Check with Dr. Isaacson's office to see if you qualify. A few other insurance companies pay, many do not. The cost at UNC is about $6,500.00.
alan1951 nealpros
lester90053 alan1951