Cognitive functioning at an all time low
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Hi ladies,
Really looking for some reassurance. I have been on here many times, posting and reading posts, and you ladies always help. My brain functioning is at an all-time low. I forget things really, really easily, can barely read a calendar properly, can no longer do basic math, get confused easily, and am always leaving a trail of stuff behind me everywhere I go. I sleep maybe 3-4 hours a night, I'm sure that is contributing to the problem. I'm 50, and have been period-free for 118 days now. Just wondering if this sounds familiar to anyone? I am genuinely starting to worry about my memory and ability to think clearly. It's worrisome. Any helpful feedback from anyone? That would be great!! Thanks so much!
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teresa03176 cindy17746
The exact same!!! 50 and a mess!!! Just started hrt! "1 week in praying it all improves!!
cindy17746 teresa03176
Thanks for the reply! I hope HRT works out for you xo
laurie19311 cindy17746
I am 46 and know how you feel! The lack of sleep is definitely a contributor. It actually magnifies all my symptoms. It's probably been this past year where everything has magnified, including the functioning of my brain. I literally couldn't remember the word for the color yellow. It literally took me five minutes to figure it out (thankfully I have a great husband and kids). It was very nerve wracking! I am more forgetful and my focus is horrible. I used to love to read, now it takes me days to read a chapter because I have to reread everything, lol! I have been starting to do things that will try to help (crossword puzzles, doing one thing at a time, doodling, meditation, etc.) I pray it gets better for all of us!
cindy17746 laurie19311
I have been doing similar things! My biggest thing is just focusing on one thing at a time, as you mentioned. I hope things improve. My word retrieval also sucks.
kelly55079 cindy17746
I'm 50 with heavy periods.. And I feel like a walking 'dunce'. I know I'm not stupid but I absolutely feel it. I get confused easily as well and it takes awhile to figure out what to do. When I'm in a conversation, I just feel behind.. I hope soon, I snap out of whatever it is-- could be brain fog.
cindy17746 kelly55079
My brain is definitely foggy. And I get embarrassed and judge myself when I get confused. Hope it ends soon. xo
cindy_45475 cindy17746
Hi from one Cindy to another. I am 52 and post menopausal of around 4 years. My brain fog is probably at its worst now. like so many of you beautiful ladies I struggle to find the words at times, struggle to connect.
I need to write everything down now at work when someone is giving me a task to do.
All I know is we are not going mad, we are not all developing dementia, it is part of what we are all going through and I am hoping one day the fog will clear again x
cindy17746 cindy_45475
Hi Cindy!
Thanks for the reassurance! Even when I write stuff down, I mess it up. I have to double check and triple check things. It's hard. I've always been a meticulous person when it comes to my job, but I'm messing up now. I appreciate having you ladies to reassure me that it's hormones. My mind goes to worst possible scenario. Take care!!! xo