come to the end of my tether

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HI ladies ,I was diognosed in november 2014 with cysts and sm fibroid that was a relife as have been telling doctors for years that i was not right but was getting know were( I love my new gp how after one visit sent me strait for a scan ) so at last i know why the pain ,heavy bleeds ect fast forward January 2015 1st appointment with gyne scan reveled cyst blood filled on Rovery fluid filled and 3 that she can see on L endromeetrosis sm fibroid ,pollops and a prolaps that looks more than a bridge ,overies stuck down at the back because of endromeetrosis . mixed emotions hit relife! shock1 a strong feeling of being let down by previous gps anger you name it all in one hit ,offerd diffrent treatment routs but was told hysterectomy was most efective well i had not had time to process what it all ment and was in shock thought ok i know now i can deal with it nowing is half the battel and half the story .fast forward to april omg have been toughing it out rolling with the pain and copeing taking Naproxin and Tranexamic acid and paracetamol BUT then it was on another level did not know pain could be so bad ! 2 trips to A&E in a week just for help to get on top of the pain they i have to say were brilliant ! ended up with a cocktail of pills and suppositories but they all take time to work and can not describe the pain waiting for them all to do there stuff .so back to Gyne she dose a biopsie to see if cancer cells are pressent 2 week wait for resoults to come back if there is I will be passed on to diffrent consoltant, lovely! just starting to build relationship with her and trust her with my health anyway up shot is I have now agreed to hysterectomy my quality of life has just dissapered over last two mth i have left the house twice in 3 weeks pain every day waking me in the night this is not living I am an active on the go 47 yr old with a disabeled hubby and 2 kids in there 20s  just started to get my life back and started enjoying nights out and the like .Gyne fliped open her dairy and said how dose 6 weeks from now suit you YES ! i said with no hesitation  at all this is hell so any addvice about being thrown into medi menaporse please let me know dont think i can have HRT as mom had breast cancer and not so sure with recent studies it was not the HRT that caused it ,and would rather not go through simptoms twice any way sorry if iv gone on a bit but needed to get i all out as every thing has happend so very fast  

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    I had hysterectomy and ovaries removed at age 38 and went straight onto HRT implants.  Then had to change to patches when they stopped making implants.  However recently found a compound chemist to make 12 monthly implants for me.  Been on HRT for 26 years now.  Best invention ever.  Make sure you get bio-identical oestrogen, i.e. oestrodiol.  There is also a daily gel - I used it to top up patches when they ran out as 2 did not last me a full week.  I also use vagifem and oestrodiol cream for you know where.

    You will also need progesterone if you have had endometriosis - like I did.  It stops any remaining endometriosis from activating.

    It is not a temporary thing for me, I intend to stay on it forever and there is no proof that that is a problem.   A lot of drs still read the flawed research about HRT.

    My aunt had breast cancer but it was from smoking, drinking and eating fatty food.  She never used HRT. 

    Best of luck for you.


    • Posted

      thank you i will ask about HRT, but mom had estragon fulled cancer ,and had been on HRT for years so not sure if it will be sutabel for me but would not refuse it if i am suitable think im going to need all the help i can get  
  • Posted

    O you poor soul.....I second everything Sheryl says below.....she's been thru it....has direct experience. In my opinion it's exactly what you should do.....

    Just more periods and bleeding, no more faffing about with'll be FREE !!😄

    Do exactly as they say after surgery....if they say, don't even lift a teacup then don't Hun....and hopefully get on with the rest of your life.

    All the very best to you.💕

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