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Hi Ladies, hope you're doing ok. Thanks to those who've replied to my posts, is comforting to know we're all going through the same thing & in varying degrees. Even though I can laugh n joke to try & ease this, at times, unbearable woefulness of hormonal insanity, I am inside screaming for normality, I'm broken, I'm not coping, I'm on the verge of giving up on life, I'm miserable, I'm scared of being eternally stuck in this whirlpool of hormonal insanity I'm drowning in, I'm like a jigsaw with pieces that no longer fit together....
I'm not me! 🙍
'Funny how smiling n laughing can hide a multitude of misery'
love to all
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brendababy Bobbins059
Not to mention the depression & anxiety , I'm constantly on the phone to my husband at work or sisters howling asking for help, I've never experienced anything like it
GP started me on a type of HRT - livial tibolone I've taken it for a month now and don't feel any better
Surely all of our symptoms will burn out and pass this is meant to be a transition not a life style. I think if we could be more positive & not worry then things may be easier but my personality type us prone to worry
Give me s shout if things get overwhelming and we can sort it out together
Apologies for any typing errors am in bed using my phone
Take care xx
Leah4321 brendababy
brendababy Leah4321
Leah4321 brendababy
brendababy Leah4321
Take care x
Leah4321 brendababy
brendababy Leah4321
ENT have told me they think the dizziness & extreme sensitivity I have is caused by vistibular migraine 🙉🙈 they've prescribed nonatriptaline - 10mg low dose anti depressant to prevent the migraine and ease the dizziness, going to the GP tonight to pick up the prescription and to ask if I should continue with the HRT
It's great your HRT is working for you, it must be a relief
Have a lovely day, speak soon x
Trish123 Bobbins059
At your local pharmacy. Hope this helps.
Bobbins059 Trish123
Take Care
susan21149 Trish123
Trish123 susan21149
But I have read that magnesium 500-1000 mugs helps. For me a little rigorous excercise has helped me sleep better since it physically tires - as long as you don't excercise too close to bedtime.
annieschaefer Bobbins059
This will pass. I know exactly how you are feeling at this moment. All these sudden, awkard changes that make us feel totally out of control. I used to wonder where my former self went. It seemed to happen overnight and I couldn't understand all the odd symptoms, the low moods, the feelings of disconnect. There was no light at the end of the tunnel and not even comfortable in my own skin. Didn't care to be around others.....the list goes on.
Trust me......slowly but surely, things start settling down.....subtle for's sure not an overnight thing, like the sudden shift in my moods and aching body was. But I can assure you, I know your despair and it does get better, just not fast enough for us when feeling like you have been. You really aren't stuck, this is just part of the journey. Sending you healing thoughts and big hugs...this will get better. In the past year I can already look back and see how much more improved I am. I still have a bit to go, but at least I don't feel like a foreigner to myself anymore.
Annie XXxx
terri52896 Bobbins059
Bobbins059 terri52896
Hangin' in there....... Take Care, hugs
terri52896 Bobbins059
take care big hug