Confidence ....
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I just switched off mentally for about 2 minutes and had a glimpse of my old self ... relaxed content confident .
I think part of the worry depression anxiety is not having control of our body ... remember when you first learned to ride a bike ... for a few minutes you’re so scared. Well I’ve come to the conclusion that we’re going through this ‘feeling ‘ 24/7 so it’s no wonder we are a mess. We are not piloting our own bodies anymore ! Relying on drs who rush us through our appt belittle us ...
It’s like they are now in control of us and we are reliant upon them to make us feel better. I think it’s a big SHOCK and our egos are like ‘what the hell’ ‘this can’t happen to ME !’ I never went to the dr much as am healthy but now I feel like a broken bird walking in there at their complete mercy to make me better.
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teri76755 lori93950
khadija03663 lori93950
Hi lori, u nailed it I could've written this I went from seeing my doctor once a year to seen him at least once a month to renew my prescption, hate taking medication
CarolKelso lori93950
Ah Lori... I know what it's like and it's like a never ending loop of symptoms that never seem to go away... But it does with time. I'm noticing changes for the better.. But I do get set backs but they are lesser.. The GP is at a loss as many do not know that much about menapause. I'm
grateful to have this forum tshate and support other women going through this nightmare bui know their is light at the end of the tunnel for us all so dont despair... CK
sarah05599 lori93950
Yeah I rarely went to docs and know it makes ne sooo anxious every time I have to go cause they so unsympathetic and patronizing and I feel rushed and tbh dr google is much more knowledgable but I have to keep going for sick notes which apparently according to the nurse I saw last week a female doc there don't like giving you sick notes for this kind of thing as feel it makes the situation worse so prefer you in work. if you have a boss like I do male, unsympathetic and just plain vile then hey yeah that's gonna make me feel so much better