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I am confused on Peri menopause and Post Menopause. I understand I have been going thur this for years and it seems smptoms are getting more intense the closer i get to stopping my cycle. Which I am understanding my body is going thur a lot of hormone changes. But, after that year ( of having no period) and I am done.? I was thinking that was it, and life is back to normal?! My Mom said a few things..but nothing major..and when I read everything still have hot flashes, anxiety, ect? and still need hormones? I really have been trying to listen to my body and be gentle and make changes to help it. I do get anxiety right after my period.sad and I get angry... I track my times and syptoms (on phone..its called period tracker on Iphone) and that helps me. I also get achey at night..those are my pains right now..but try to eat better..ect.. Thank you to all you ladies. I read you all every morning and it helps my mind feel so not alone. <3



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    I am not sure but I think symptoms can last a couple years after the first 12 months of having no period.
  • Posted

    Hi Marisa,

    We are all different, some women feel better once it's all stopped. But I think symptoms can go on for another 5 years after and have read of some still having hot flushes in their 70s.

    Mine got no better 2 years post and I'd had enough of it so I tried HRT.

    A few things did improve but we're replaced by others. I didn't get hot flushes just hot times and then just hot all the time, I thought I could deal with that but cooking when you feel like you are boiling on the inside is horrible as was trying to sleep. In the summer I didn't use bedclothes at all but when it got cold I couldn't regulate my temperature at all and was on and off with the bedclothes every ten minutes.

    HRT helped with that and lots of other stuff. I didn't realise just how uptight and anxious I had been until it began to ease and feel normal again, I think I'd just got used to feeling that way.

  • Posted

    I am postmenopausal a lil over a yr and haven't really experienced any hot flashes just mood swings and hot/cold feelings when going to bed.  I kick the covers off and toss and turn all night long.
  • Posted really depends on your body, and how many hormones you loose once you have stopped, but as a general rule, once post which is 1/2 years after no period, your symptoms should decline, or, at least be milder until they stop all together, some symptoms can last up to 5 years after post, my friend has been post 4 years and has no symptoms whatsoever along with my 2 sisters, ive been post 1 year symptoms are definately declining are much milder,i feel more settled with a balanced feeling, and more like my old self, but its not the same for all women unfortunately, but knowone knows for sure until your post.
    • Posted

      Ohhh OK...that makes sense. Thank you..My one client was telling me she has not had her period for 4 years and came in with hot flashes..breaking out,, I was like..I thought this ends soon after. I hope my dimenish also...  ;-)

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