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Hi I am 47 I have suffered with monthly migraines for around 10 years and depression for about the last 7 years, I was convinced about a year ago I had started to go through the change my once spot on periods had got very hit and miss and I started to notice I was getting a lot of palpitations so I went to the doctors who out rightly told me I was to young and would not test me as I have the contraceptive implant in my arm so reading wouldn't be right. Fast forward to now I haven't had any kind of bleed since the beginning of August and my mood swings are so up and down my head has got so much worse and I'm so emotional all the time. I sent off for some Karma Rub its liquid Magnesium for aches and pains and is suppose to help you sleep to its from Australia I received this morning just wondering if anyone has used this to elivate symptoms and can any of you nice lady's recommend any vitamins I can take as I can't go on to HRT.
Hope all of you are fighting a good fight against this hard time of life.
Many thanks
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metamorphed karen07486
hi karen I am 48 and like you suffered with monthly migraines since I turned 40. I did not have depression but had ramped up anxiety (which is probably similar). I only hit bad symptoms with palpitations in june of 2015 and so began the journey. I was unaware that the migraine was actually the start of peri menopause for me and just coped with them. All I can say is that it does improve over time, I am 1 and a half years living with this now and it started to get a little better over time. You need to get bloods done, all of them, including magnesium levels and vitamin D test and get the doctor to sit down and explain was you might be lacking. I was lacking in vitamin D only when I had them done last November 2015 and started a course of vitamin D3 at the time. I also take omega 3 (cod liver oil) and have started taking a multivitamin especially for women over 50 (obviously I am not over 50 yet but have started this journey so that is what it is for), I find the calcium in it has improved palpitations along with whatever else is in them for women our age. Request the blood tests and include hormone panel too (even though they change so much, it will give you an idea where you're at). If your diet is not that good, which can happen when we feel too ill to eat properly, you may need a good vitamin/mineral supplement for a while. Get the bloods done. Vitamin D3 is amazing for lifting mood.
karen46733 karen07486
Hi Karen, you are not to young to have this test done. I'm 41 and yes I did have push for it but I got my results in August and yes I am at that stage.
I believe I started 3-4 yrs ago but didn't really want to think about it. I can remember the last time my periods were as they should be, I suffered from depression but put it down to pmt, problems down below 😲😲 and then the hot flushes. So much makes sense now and I'm not a loony anymore 😂😂.
I have been on hrt since August but after my appointment with a specialist at my local hospital he's changing the 1 I'm on, having bloods done and I need a bone scan, oh the joys this brings us 😂😂. He told me I need to eat properly, loads of fruit, vegetables, protein and calcium, fast walking/running 3 times a week. My next appointment is in March but if I have any problems to phone and speak to the menopause nurse.
This is not turning into a pleasant experience and wish you well. I would go back to the doctors and push for the test, Google specialist for your area and see what comes up, I did and got a referral from my doctor. We deserve all the help we can get 😊😊.
I take cod liver oil with vitamin a & do in it and also have a fruit smoothie every day now, I will try anything.
Karen xx
cathy55794 karen07486
Hi Karen so sorry to hear that you're having such a hard's awful. The worst part is these makes you insane...I can't say much about the product..don't anything about it..just wanted to say..keep the faith and hang in there it's not easy..God bless
pinkcatfairy karen07486
Im not on hrt and was suffering anxiety and aches and pains which I believe was magnesium deficiency, I take multi vit for over fifties (ss) cant say full name or the other one beginning with c and it has helped me greatly x