confused about perimenopause and bloodwork

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I would have swore that I had perimenopause...have all the symptoms. However, I got my bloodwork done and it was all normal with my hormones. Could I have symptoms with my bloodwork being normal???

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Dane

    yes you could still be in peri, i have mentioned a few times on here, that FSH blood tests are never accurate in early peri, until periods have declined to approx 3 - 4 per year, as hormones are too erractic in early peri..

    ( happened to me early on and Doc said i was still perimeno, then i used the home menopause testers after that as hormones are up and down too much in early peri to give an accurate result,  i monitored it myself at different times) 

    I dont know why this is not explained by the medical profession, seems they really dont care about explaining anything..

    hope that helps 

    ' Happy New Year' 

    jay x

  • Posted

    Happened to me too. I have all the classic symptoms of peri and my FSH was normal because my periods are still regular.
  • Posted

    Bloodwork means 0, trust me. I was supposably  post meno last winter. Guess what? I just had another period yesterday. At 56! Bloodwork means not much.

    Go on your symptoms, really! BTW-Happy New Year!Hope it improves for you!

    Annie xx

  • Posted

    I had numerous blood tests done and it alwsys came back normal I have now not had a period for 18 months and have all themeno symptoms I have read that the blood test doesn't always show up.
    • Posted

      Hi hun

      If no period for 18 months and your post meno then fsh test should be post meno. 

      its usually early peri while periods are still often when FSH test comes back normal in general. 

      Have you had an ultra sound by a Gyno to check ovary activity and whether they are non functioning post meno ?

      I had this done in august 

      Jay x

  • Posted

    Mine too came back normal but my bloods were taken the day after my period had started, my good days! I told my GP my erratic days were from day 10 onwards but she said bloods won't always show up hormone fluctuation peri as they can change daily sad

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