Confusion about symtoms peri or something else

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Hi Ladies, how have you addressed the issue of wondering if a symptom is due to peri-menopause or something else,. OK, here is what I am referring to specifically, since I started peri, I got a very bad blot and tightening under my ribs, it comes and goes, Ive been in peri almost 2 years,. Anyway, I learned today via google that could be a gallbladder issue, Great, another freaking thing that could be wrong with me. Needless to say, I am freaking out over that, but I keep thinking why did it show up exactly when peri started, I am of course once again going to address this when I go to the dr. I feel like I need a doctor in my home Seriously....... I noticed via google that all the symptoms except hot flashes could also be something else more seroius or chronic. So, just wondering how everyone copes with this without literally living at the doctors office.  On the good note, I have learned some dietary issues that can help gallbladder pain if it is that. 

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16 Replies

  • Posted

    HI Lennie,

    I cannot tell you for sure it's peri related, but I know that this can be a symptom of perimenopause. Google "66 peri menopause". This is also another thread here in the Patient forum. It lists this as one of the symptoms. I also have this feeling on and off....xx

    • Posted

      Thanks Topo, I will google it, I suspect its peri related, if it had started 5 years ago I would be a little more worried, but I have found out that the joint pain is horrible and no one thinks of that as a peri issue but we know it is,. Plus, it went away for 6 months, everyone tells me that gallbladder pain would not go away for 6 months. Thank you 
    • Posted

      Hello Topo, I did google it and it defined it to the letter, I think the fact that it went away for awhile and I never had it before the peri is a good idea that its one of those 66 symptoms, by the way, I have about 58 of the 66. I am serious, its totlaly unreal.
    • Posted

      Yes, me least 58-60. I was totally falling apart, running from doc to doc, ER visit twice and no test showed anything wrong. Then I got so depressed that I thought I would not live to see the next day for about 10 weeks and ended up in a mental healt unit for four days. After that I started googling anxiety and found the "66 peri menopause" thread. This was my saving grace. Reading all these symptoms and what other women were experiencing I saw myself. Finally had my nurse at the gyno office do a hormone test and it showed that I am peri. After they all said I am too young and they think this is not it... 

      So hang in there. It is supposed to get better at some point. I am still waiting for that... smile

  • Posted

    Hi Lennie, gosh can't remember how many times I've had this pain. I've had ct scans for it, no stones in my gallbladder & seriously this was just 2 months ago. This is my second time at the ER for this exact pain. I found that eating raw kale gave me these symptoms & even the juice. 30 minutes after eating Ir drinking I get pains. So no kale for me at all.
    • Posted

      Oh wow! I considered going to the E,.R too but here its always an 7 to 8 hour orderal, so I really hate to go unless its bad. But, actually the pain is a lot better I drank some dandellion tea. 
  • Posted

    Try not to worry about this symptom - by all means get it checked out and get it checked out but to offer some reassurance I've had the same problem and visited the doctor numerous times about it only to be told that I needed counselling / CBT. I've had the pain under my ribs off and on and in the end my husband got hold of a private GP and demanded I be referred for a scan - I had gallbladder/liver/kidney/pancreas checked - I even had a 'stool' test and endless blood tests - all normal and I still get the pain among a million other symptoms so try not to worry. Doctors say I'm not peri or anything - that I'm over anxious and losing it. This blog has been so helpful and reassured me and I hope I am you. Good luck. 
    • Posted

      Thank you Sophie, I will address it with the dr, but, the fact that it goes away for long periods and retun leads me to agree with you, I am extremely happy I found this blog, my husband while a nice person is clueless, he really does not offer a lot of help and when I go on and on about my symptoms, he ususally says talk to the dr about it, thats his pat statement. Or, maybe walk it off, he just has no idea what to say or do. Its ok, I am glad I have you guys.
  • Posted

    I now google the symptom and put menopause? After it. Mostly this has come up with a forum or site taking about whatever issue I've got (a new one every day it seemed for a while).

    Try a Google search for liver cleanse or flush these can help if it is your Gall bladder. I've done them a few times as both grandparents on my mum's side needed theirs removed.

    Hope this helps.

    • Posted

      OK, I will, thank you. I saw one with a guy drinking a cup of olive oil with orange juice,. I dont think I can do that.  But , I know there are more.
    • Posted

      Hi lennie, no don't do that one. My doctor friend says it doesn't clean your gall bladder at all. I did a cleanse with parsley and lemon in the mornings. Parsley cleans out the gall bladder and liver. Chop it up into small fine pieces add lemon and eat it, then drink a glass of water after an hour or two. It cleaned up my issue after 2 days. Of course, the more you eat it the faster it will work. Drink lots of water, it is crucial to drink a lot of water. My doctor recommended 1/2 tsp of glycerin in a glass of water. It works really well, but for a cleanse the parsley.
    • Posted

      Also, I forgot you can take a tablespoon of lemon in between, if you can't then add it to a glass of water. It should be lemon with water after an hour. If you have flax seed oil or coconut oil a tablespoon that could help as well. No tea whatsoever, tea causes calcifications in the kidney's.
    • Posted

      Oh wow, I drink herbal tea a great deal does that cause calcification too? OK,  I will add the cocunut oil, I have flax here already
    • Posted

      OK, great! I know a few years ago I read where black tea is good for you, but I dont care for it,. I drink herbals that help with blood sugars too.  I will definetely work on the liver issue ASAP

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