Congestion wont go away
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i have proble 65 of 66 symptoms for perio.... the 1 im struggling with most right now is the insane feeling of congestion in my chest that makes my heart feel weird. ofcourse i struggle with anxiety so its ALL i can focus on. i have allergies all of a sudden 2 years ago an they are still steady making me sick. i just feel like my hearts going to flop around and just stop. my doc is only taking phone appointments because of covid so i am just here stressing and praying..... anyone else experience this feeling of way to much mucus stuck in their throat and chest that makes your heart feel weird?
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cindy17746 cissy2020
I haven't experienced it in my chest, but definitely in my throat. All the freaking time.
Keljo48 cissy2020
Yes, I have this right now. But I actually have heart skipping. I do have allergies. But the congestion that has moments of being worse than others is stressful.
I contracted CoVid last month. My husband brought it home from work. The actual illness was like having the flu for me. We both recovered at home. I tested negative twice since so I am clear. But my gallbladder and upper stomach has caused me nothing but grief. . I have a consultation with a surgeon this afternoon. I had just had blood work done and it is all normal as is the ultrasound on my upper stomach and gallbladder. I have turned short tempered and snappish with my pain and ongoing malaise. I am 52 and three years postmenopause and I have had enough of all of my body bs. Most days I feel I just wish I would just hurry up and die already.
The congestion on my part could be from my digestive issues. I also have Silent reflux.
Is it possible you have reflux? LPR or Silent reflux doesn't feel like GERD. It is throat clearing because the body wants to coat the damage that acid it doing to the throat and can include coughing congestion feel. Especially after eating. I drink alkaline water which used to help but I think my issue goes way deeper with my gallbladder and serious digestive issues from it.
You might want to look up LPR (Laryngopharyngeal reflux) or also known as Silent reflux.
cissy2020 Keljo48
i know the feeling of being sick of the bs our bodys are going threw. ill be 52 in dec an still have a day or 2 bleeding most months. i do infact have acid reflux. i think it would be helpful if doctors started acknowledging this crazy bunch of weirdness happening as menopause..... instead of making us think we are crazy. ugh i sure hope you feel better soon
Keljo48 cissy2020
Come to find out that I have to have an MRI on my pancreas because the head of my pancreas is enlarged. I also have to have and endoscopy and a colonoscopy before my gallbladder can be removed. According to my surgeon (who I really like) she wants to check for ulcers on the top end and possible polyps on the bottom end. That way it can all be taken care of in surgery . My blood work she says my liver panel is wonderful and my pancreas enzymes? is good. Meanwhile I am worried about my pancreas and possible cancer. Not to mention the pain I am in with no relief in sight because I have to wait to get the MRI and oscopies scheduled, done and find out the results. I am afraid my upper stomach pain is my pancreas. It isn't like I can have a pancreas-ectomy. The pain is bringing me low.