Considering ECT for the Psychological Symptoms of Perimenopause

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I have been dealing with the psychological symptoms of perimenopause for close to a year. I know that some women experience extreme mental health challenges during this time. I have done my absolute best to counteract my symptoms: clean eating, vigorous exercise, deep breathing / meditating, growing a garden, working full time, staying connected to others..., but the struggle remains.

During this time, I have experienced deep depression, accompanied by scary thoughts and images that I can't get out of my mind. The more I try, the more intense they become. I have had intense anxiety with feelings of impending doom. There has been lots of crying and screaming. Sometimes, I feel totally detached from myself, almost as though I am not in my body, or I look in the mirror, and it is as though someone else is looking back at me, if that makes any sense.

I still have some times of feeling like my old self, but they are fleeting, at the present time. I have been the strongest person that I know how to be through all of this, but it is so challenging to keep going. I remember one woman on this forum who queried: how am I to sit still whist on fire? That comment resonated with me so much.

I am under the care of a psychiatrist, who I see regularly on an outpatient basis. I have brought up the idea of ECT with him, but more to get information on it. He indicated that the success rate is in the 90% range. I meet with him again next week, and I am going to discuss whether or not he thinks that I might be a candidate for this treatment. The ECT procedure has been dramatically refined since its inception.

Antidepressants haven't worked, and progesterone made me even more depressed.

ECT is a highly effective treatment, and I just want to be well. I want to have the happy me back who enjoys life, rather than just going through the motions and praying for my self to reemerge.

Lately, though, I have noticed that if my mood does normalize, it seems to do so in the evening.

I would be curious to hear women's thoughts.


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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Hello Bev

    Very much understand all that you have written, so eloquently and my heart goes out to you for two reasons:

    One, i totally understand the psychic pain you are dealing with day in day out.

    Two, I can not help you and wish that i could wave that magic wand.

    I truly understand your suffering. It doesnt matter if its more or less than any of us, it is suffering PERIOD.

    I believe that if you psychiatrist says you are a candidate then go for it. I do not have personal account for anyone that has had it but for sure it has worked for many.

    I also wanted to tell you about Ketamine infusions and they are also fairly new now for people that are resistant to everything else. A patient at my clinic flew out to San fran to get these as he has depression that is resistant.

    And yes its better in the evening. Lately for me it hasnt been much better which is telling me there are more changes coming about.

    I truly feel that you gotta do whatever you gotta do and thats all there is to it.

    Its absolutely unreal how these hormones have affected us. Im with you on whatever decision you make. 

    Sending you all the support i am able to. 


    • Posted

      Hi Mauiblue,

      Thanks so much for your caring words and unwavering support; they are so appreciated!

      I even asked my psychiatrist about ketamine, but he indicated that it has caused cases of psychotic behavior and would not recommend it.

      I feel very supported by my psychiatrist, and he is the person who would perform the procedure, if I was a candidate and opted to try it. 

      I have had a few windows in the past couple of days, which have been such a reprieve. Today, I got through and felt contained, and even had a few slivers of happiness. I just never know how functional I am going to be from day to day.

      I have an amazing support team all around me, so with their help and assessment each step of the way, I am able to make smart and informed decisions.

      I know that I have come so far, and I can't give up now.

      I would just do anything to be well and fully functional again.

      Many thanks for your kindness,


    • Posted

      You are welcome of course!

      I think it sounds like you are getting all of the support you need from the counselor and that is gold.

      It also sounds like there is a high level of trust between you two, and your support team as well.

      We are always here to help and bounce things off of course.

      It seems like you have off n on days that change daily maybe hourly?

      I understand the decision and its a big one. This procedure is done and isn't uncommon. He will fill you in on everything to be expected if you feel you cant keep going like this.

      Im in it for the long haul, as long as i can handle it. Its a very personal journey for us all. Some get thrashed by it (like us and others) some dont really feel it much aside from a discomfort here and there. this has taken your life and mind from you, and i get that.

      Here to support whenever.




  • Posted

    Hi bev

    I'm so sorry that you are suffering. I just wanted to ask whether you have taken or tried and medication like hrt? Your post didn't mention it xxx

  • Posted

    Hi Beverly,

    I to feel your pain, as struggling to right now. You mentioned progesterone makes you feel more depressed, can you not try estrogen only hrt. I am on my 5th week of hrt called Tibolone which is more progesterone than estrogen based with a little testosterone but I feel worse atm not better. At least you have a good support network around you and hopefully your psychiatrist helps you through this awful peri. Hugs to you 🤗

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