Constant HEAVYNESS in head from long
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helloo friends
i am having constant heavyness feeling in head from almost 1 years.....along with this i feel off balance and dizziness too sometimes..
Anyone having same problem like me in Peri..any tip to handle this ?
I always have drunk feeling....unbalance unsteady and feel very uneasy in my own body .
Any Post Meno woman who had this symtom and now feeling ok...Plzz reply
Want to know how long this will continue.
Not feel good to go outside home..always want to be in my home..mostly in my bed.π
Peri change my whole life .
Hoping for better days..
Hang is there..every day i remind myself but sometimes get frustated tooo..
..from soo long time i am suffering..not feeling like my normal self.
Very difficult phase of life is this..
1 like, 17 replies
Guest sunaina1983
How old are you if I may ask? I am post meno I went through everything you are saying even the homebound and the bed! I was told that 6 mos before you are completely meno all those things you are experiencing are at their worst, I am post meno and have been for two years and it does get 95% better π It takes at least 3 years after you are completely meno for your body to get use to the very low levels of hormones.
sunaina1983 Guest
Hellooo mam i am 39 year old .. started noticing Peri symtoms from last year...most scary is heavyness in head and off balance issues having sooo many other symyoms too.. ..sometimes i got worried when this will end and i feel like normal again.
thanks for reply mam
ur right body take time to adjust in low harmone levels .
nice to know ur felling better now
michelle97919 Guest
Hi crossado
Hope you dont mind me asking but im two years post and if im honest barely functioning
I had a ten year peri hell and im losing hope it will ever get better
The anxiety and its symptoms are crippling me
I felt a little glimmer of hope when you said you felt better three years post
Did you take any meds or HRT
I do not take anything
Thank you for your post x
Guest michelle97919
I take NO HRT and I am on NO medication I refused all of that stuff and I too had 10 years or more of Peri he-- ..I had times with the bad breathing so server and bloating I honestly thought so many times I would NOT see the next day or wake up! I went 3 months gorging myself 24/7 due to panic anxiety of my blood sugar dropping to low, let me tell you I was a BASKET case if there ever was one, my family well they just wrote me off as crazy mama π¦ my 35 year old daughter say she's not going through that stuff and she didn't want to hear it and said it with a VERY nasty tone and all I wanted was someone to listen to me and just offer a kind word or some kind of uplifting support BUT my family is like COLD! Anyways I knew I had to fight like He-- to stay sane and get through it. I was jumping out of my skin I had internal shakes, heavy head, buzzing/ringing in head ears whatever and wherever it actually is and still got it, I had sleepless nights, nightmares that where so strong and vivid it cause my heart to pound , fear doom gloom fright to flight seems like I stayed in that mold, racing thoughts of death, other thoughts I wont mention I had to fight it all, dizzy spells so horrible several times I actually almost completely fainted ,muscle spasms , twitching all over my body, restless legs, bug crawling feelings , leg numbness in both legs, weakness in arms and legs, vision issues, feeling hopeless, alone, nauseated, stomach issues huge problems there, Heartburn so bad for over a year non stop even sounded horse and lost voice over it, depression almost got so deep I couldn't come out I guess because of all I was suffering and family turning their back thinking i'm just crazy and making it up , I became a prisoner in my own body and home, and I had the i'm bleeding to death periods even two horrible bleeding episodes two years after no period. But its a triple smack in the face , mind and body when your family shows no support or love, plus my husband passed years ago. My blood pressure got through the roof I'm talking 200/105 195/110 I refused ALL blood pressure meds too because I knew it was my white coat high blood pressure and my horrible panic and anxiety attacks, What has helped me and STILL does is the Mag Max with activated B-6 it keeps my blood pressure (I have machine at home) at 145/85 first reading and then like 134/78 it keeps the heart palps away and calms your system . ALSO now this took some doing BUT I taught myself to not me on mind/body alert and get my mind on something else quickly like I love graphic designs so I design on zazzles and it gets my mind on creativity and when I feel and know the nasty no good for nothing symptoms are raising their nasty selves I don't let it get me in high alert mold I basically tell myself you had it before and it is only be worse if you stay in high alert mold that feeds it makes the symptoms much worse instead of just letting it pass. I've had the brain fog (still do at times) the clumsy deal where I drop Everything, I've had stare in space deal , I've had the okay what was I doing moments, one time I was driving and for a few secs or so forgot where I was going! I have looked for things and they be in my hand one right in front of me, I've had the raging temper where I could clean out a house in 2.3 seconds, I've had the keeping away from people, the homebound deal which I'm still fighting , and right now fighting the crying spells which I'm having a lot of. I have offered my cell number on here several times mainly because sometimes you just need someone right now to talk to even if its about puppies lol just to help while you fight what ya feeling while it passes you know a friend which I basically dont have and I dont dare text my 35 year old daughter she cuts me real short so now I just don't except rarely. I stay up till like 3:00AM i'm eastern time live in Kentucky. Anyways i'm throwing my number out again if anyone wants to be meno pals or support hotline lol I have unlimited text 270-319-2216 just telkl me you from our support group. I'm sure I have left symptoms out they say there is 66 of them but I know I've had 101 !
michelle97919 Guest
What can i say!!!!
you have just described my story as if i wrote it myself!!!!
Honestly just reading your post could be me
I really admire your determination and honesty
Thank you for giving out your number
I would love to speak with you i live in England so massive time difference
You really helped me this morning
I still work im 52
I am a learning support for students with learning difficulties
I have 5 grown children and 3 grandchildren
I have been really struggling last few weeks when im needed for babysitting and then i feel guilt
I cannot say enough how every symptom you describe i have had over the past 12 years
I have recently been under an awful lot of stress due to my daughter and grandaughter coming back home to live for a while as she left her abusive partner
I am so happy she did but i struggle seeing her heartbroken and sad
I cannot share how im feeling with any of my kids as like you ive suffered anxiety most of my life to varying degrees due to growing up in not so nice circumstances
So all they say is oh here she goes again
Plus i know they have their own lives and kids so i dont want to burden them
I think after 12 years one would hope its coming to an end i suppose family get fed up with hearing the same thing
I even get fed up with hearing my own voice
I just want to say thanks again for your post im sure there are a lot if ladies out there that will read it and not feel so alone
God bless you and hope to speak again soon
You are welcome to inbox me anytime
Praying for a good day for you today x
sunaina1983 Guest
Soo Sorry to hear u suffered alot in Peri mam.
Thanks to God now ur doing better.
Mam me too having almost the symtoms u wrote here..everyday new stuggle... ...ur right at this point of life no one understands u..π..
we have to tackle all this alone .
Thanks for sharing ur no.
if u get someome who understand u at this stage of life is blessing.
i am very Thankful to this forum who give me chance to interact with u all friends who understand me and never judge me .
Mam at what age u start peri ?
Take care dear
Soo Sweet of u ..ur soo helping ur no to all.
Love u
ampat1 Guest
First of all a big thank you for sharing everything about your peri/post meno symptoms/life. So glad to hear you're doing much better now, that gives us newbies in peri lot of hope and courage. You're so kind to share your phone number. I am sorry to hear your family is not very supportive, it does add more fuel to the fire when you get cold vibes from your very own. I have almost all of the symptoms you mentioned especially the head/ear ringing which to me is one of my worst symptoms along with peri anxiety and headaches. I am 39, turning 40 in 3 months, my peri symptoms started about a year ago. I don't know how much longer this crap will last and I have cried over it for months but try to get myself motivated by eating healthy, exercise if my symptoms cooperate. I know its my hormones, but never knew they're this powerful in creating such havoc. After reading your post I feel hopeful and motivated to keep strong and not give. I will keep you in my prayers and all who are fighting this battle. I guess we're the Take care.
pamela2016 Guest
bless your heart im crying reading your post this is me to the T why nobody believes us and my family thinks im nuts too im suffering and a prisoner in my body too. sometimes looking at my husband makes me sick cause i could never be the way he has been towards me since this started. just cause someone cant see what we feel and deal with doesn't mean it don't exist. this has taught me just how people really are in the world if they arent experiencing it they dont care and dont want bothered with it. ive done lost my mind over all this i really think its mentally damaged me ill never be the same. and i sometimes wonder if it would have been different mentally if i wasn't blown off as a mental patient from family and medical field. i think this has taught me to not have compassion for the ones thats treated me this way treat others as they treat you ive always lived by that. but i can relate to you on everything you have said
michelle97919 pamela2016
Hi Pamela
Exactly everything you say i agree with
At the start of my peri i was told anxiety disorder and depression for 7 years till my periods actually started having months in between
I cannot believe still that hormones can cause so much havoc!!
I mean if you go to your doctor and even they know nothing about it what hope have we got
Actually what made me realise it was peri was this website
I googled my symptoms and came across this site 12 years ago and saw other women suffering like me
We cant all be mad!!!!!
All the same symptoms but not one doctor knows diddly squat!!!I too dont think i will ever be the same again i literally feel truamatised by what has happened to me because of this awful menopause
I was in the hope post meno would be better but thank GOD for crosado8 who went through hell but says it does get better
No one can prepare us for this
Thank you all you lovely ladies on here
You are all truly a blessing x
crystals51917 Guest
YOU ARE AMAZING! THANK YOU!I'm going to log your #. I think you have described many of us. This part of my life has been crazy! I think we all need someone to talk to at times. Thanks again,
JReady64 sunaina1983
I've been post for years already...and none of this hell started for me until a little over a year ago.... I felt nothing odd until I was already post.... so I can't answer your question.
sunaina1983 JReady64
thanks for reply mam..everyone body is unique and we all r facing meno differently..Good Luck for ur journey
susane84679 sunaina1983
I dont have an answer to your question and I think we all handle the many symptoms differently. For me, I refuse to give in to the head wonkiness by getting up and going about my normal day. I do not dwell on it. I refuse to live life in bed and I refuse to let symptoms win. Of course there a a few days that I will take to rest when I have several symptoms at once, but mostly I am able to go about my life as usual. I guess you could say I have adapted to the off balance feeling and made it my new normal. Good Luck to you hun, I really hope you can overcome and get back to Life!
sunaina1983 susane84679
Thank u sooo much mam for reply.
ur right if we think of symtoms more they will increase..if we keep doing normal life will divert from this and feel them less..will try to follow ur advice..
ampat1 sunaina1983
I am not much help here as far as what to do about head pressure and heaviness in head. I also have that going on for about a year now along with crippling anxiety and headaches and ear pressure/ringing. I read some article on perimenopause and it mentioned that hormones fluctuating can cause all that, it can be also the anxiety that causes more head pressure and heaviness. I am usually worse around my periods, but lately I have been having some (far and few) okay days where I feel some energy to go out and do things. I have two young kids so I always have to put my peri craziness aside and still work through it which ultimately helps my emotional symptoms of peri. I don't take anything except multivitamins, Vit D, and B12. take care hon, we'll get through this. so thankful for this forum.
sunaina1983 ampat1
Thanks for reply dear
Hang is there.
waiting for good days.