Constant nausea feeling?.

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Morning all, the time of the month is nearing to me!!!!! And I'm feeling absolute dread..........I'm already in the peri stage, and feeling very, very nausea. 

Much like when I was younger with my periods feeling nausea?

like my body is going through that strange data view feeling? How strange!!!!.

but honestly I'm feeling real rough with this feeling of nausea...does anyone else suffer with the nausea? With the run up2 a period? If u do what do u take? Any tips of anyone would be so much are coated Thankyou.

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    Wat I'm so sorry Data view feeling god damn auto corrector 

    supposed to read da ja view feeling.........x

  • Posted


    I've suffered severe bouts for nausea in my nine years of peri. Sometimes I can ignore it sometimes it's unbearable.

    I've found ginger capsules help at times and then other times it doesn't.

    I've also got terrible bloating and no appetite and have developed acid reflux so not sure if it's all connected.

    Nausea is awful and it does make you worry.

    I went six months without a period then I got one five weeks ago.

    Sorry I can't offer more help but this forum is the right place to be for advice x

    • Posted

      And yes have very strange feeling sometimes. Hard to explain x
  • Posted

    Yes I know exactly what you mean . Just lately I seem to have the nausea more on then off and it's really getting me down . I am just getting to the end of my period , but I still feel extremely anxious and have slight tummy cramps still although the bleeding is letting up with mainly brown discharge now . I also find at the end of my cycle I need to have a good clear out bowel wise , sorry if tmi . All these symptoms just make me feel so down and I really hate all this . Sympathies to everyone else on here , but at least we are all in this together . Love Jane
  • Posted

    I just recently found out that Cola can help settle a nervous stomach. I remember when I was younger how I would sometimes drink Coke or Pepsi and my stomach would settle. If you are like me and suffer with heartburn, you may want to order Cola syrup from Amazon. You can add it to water and it helps with heartburn as well. It is also caffeine free just in case you're also sensitive to caffeine. If not you can just buy a Coke from the store. Hope this helps.
  • Posted

    Hi girls

    thankyou to you all good to know I'm not alone ( but it isn't nice I wouldn't wish this peri on my worst enemy...... Absolutely awful.....)

    soooooo as well as migranes, acid reflux, IBS,amongst a mountain of other symptoms Nausea pops its ugly head up as if I haven't enough to deal with!!!!!.

    yessss Jayne my periods have been brown not red for many months now was told that I'm coming up for the peri by a lady doctor????

    crashing fatigue, fatigue,????????.

    how many more symptoms do we get? Got tons!!!!!. 


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