constant pain
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Hi just wondered if anyone else suffers with bad constant burning pain in their back left side, starts in muscle area left of spine middle of back and radiates to left side I've had it for a year an half now no joy at doctors feel miserable all time don't even feel like doing house chores 😭
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lynwell14 jayne39731
jo4848 jayne39731
Hi, yes, I do but don't think mine is peri related as I've had it for ages. It hurts to the right of my spine and I'm pretty sure it's muscular (although will mention it next time I see my doctor). It sometimes moves to the other side. It hurts most if I carry heavy bags or stand still for a long period but running/walking makes it better strangely enough.
I hope you get it sorted, keep us posted x
lynwell14 jo4848
Takingtime jayne39731
Yes, have had this very thing for a few months now. I went to the chiropractors, and although he loosened things up that I didn't feel locked, I was still left with the burning pain that you speak of. Mine actually would go into spasms.....into the chest. I have had all the major things ruled out...and they think I may have GERD I am still not convinced this is what is causing the burning muscle pain. I started physio therapy and also have been getting acupuncture done and cupping, this has relieved it a lot. Before when it got bad (night time seemed the worst) I would get a bean bag and heat it up and apply that, then put on a massager....that seemed to settle it so I could sleep. It is an awful thing to feel everyday.
jayne39731 Takingtime
I've been to chiropractor too but it did nothing I've had ultra sound scans they were fine and MRI on my spine but no trapped nerves were found, the pain it awful I'm never pain free only if I go out with my friends once a week and drink alcohol but then the next day it's back It all started January 2016 I'm sure it's to do with perimenapause, my blood results recently showed vit d and calcium levels low too 🤔 Not sure what's happening but the pain really gets you down I've not tried acupuncture but will do if has helped you thank you x
Takingtime jayne39731
Yes acupuncture has been my saving grace through peri menopause symtoms, it has relieved bladder burning, knee and hip pain, and now my upper back. I really think what is happening is hormones are becoming depleted and I never realized how much our bodies depend on them for other areas of the body than just the reproductive area. I also think as we get older vitamins and minerals don't absorb as well and we become low on many of them. I have been taking magnesium also. You are exactly right, it does get a person down always feeling in pain.....I try my very best to keep busy in order to distract it, not always easy, but like I said acupuncture has eliminated a lot of my previous issues, we are not working on the new one in the upper back and just after one treatment I have felt quite a bit of relief already.