Constant worry And menopause

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i was at the gynecologist 2 days ago and they said my pelvic exam appeared normal but scheduled a sonogram tomorrow. I told them I was having left hip pain and any achy feeling in my abdomen. My exam left me pretty sore and feeling even worse with pain under  my left rib cage. I can't help but worry that there is something wrong with me but I think I'm making things worse with my continuous worry. I'm menopausal with multiple symptoms there as well. Anyone else had anything similar to this happening to them?

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8 Replies

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    Did they say why the sonogram is needed?  It sounds like they're doing it as a precautionary measure, just to confirm that everything is normal since nothing turned up in the pelvic exam.  Joint pain can be a peri symptom, unfortunately, and it might just be that.  I hope it all turns out well for you.  I relate to your worry as I've had lifelong anxiety issues that have been made much worse with peri and we can make things worse with our worry, but I know it's hard not to worry sometimes.  I have a routine gyn check-up tomorrow that I've worried over for a while.  We'll be all right, though.  Take care.

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      Yes that's why the are doing the sonogram. I just feel like my pain is worse since my pelvic exam and that's what worries me. Hope all goes well with your appt as well, thanks!

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      It is scary when symptoms continue.  I had an ovary removed last year after a CT scan showed there was "a mass" in it.  Long story short, there was nothing in it - it was being shadowed by a benign fibroid, but the ovary was discolored, so they took it out and pathology was benign.  Months of worry over that one.  Keep us posted on your situation.

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      Bless your heart Liz. I can not imagine what you were going through with that. Thank goodness all was okay. I know how bad my anxiety gets. I think they may have had to admit me for that.
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      Thank you... it felt like everything was happening in slow motion, including the day when my gyn talked with me about the different types of cysts and ovarian cancer that were possibilities.  I still can't say why I didn't end up in a straitjacket... my anxiety was through the roof.

  • Posted

    Hi there - yes, I've had this feeling, ongoing. I've had what I felt was hip bone pain, I have a spot on my left rib cage & underneath, and low back/pelvic ache. Over the years I've had a "functioning" ovarian cyst that flares up every so often (or they are new ones that come & go); however, late in 2016 I had a vaginal ultrasound (they couldn't locate my right ovary during the exam) and it appeared fine. Due to the aching pain in my low back/pelvis & the area under my left rib (which sometimes radiates to my flank & mid-back), my doctor ordered an MRI with contrast for me, which I had done last week. I have had a CT on the rib/flank area before, so I was leery to have another with the radiation.

    All clear apparently. I feel as though I've tapped out my lifetime allotment of visits to the doctor, just in the past 5 years alone. Even though this latest MRI investigation came back fine, I am merely momentarily buoyed. The worry somehow creeps back in when I wish it would just bugger off.

    Always wondering if something was missed...

    I think this is a good place to check in every once in awhile, as you can see your worries mirrored back, from those of us going through similar physical and emotional/mental challenges. It does help to remind yourself that the "tests came back clear", don't worry about the next thing that crops up (which it inevitably does!). It's baffling to believe that these physical aches and pains can come from this time of life, and that the anxiety over it all can be so powerful.

    My suggestion would be to check in here when you're feeling scared, as you're likely to see your symptoms show up in someone else's post. I would also like to share some things that have helped me:

    *A mediation app on my iPhone

    *RELAXING massage (I had a therapist really work on my back for my first ever massage therapy session and I felt absolutely DREADFUL afterwards! We came to the conclusion that during this time when my system is fritzing out - sympathetic/parasympathetic nervous system stuff - that relaxing massage was the way to go for me. I was never a massage fan before in my life, but I now count on weekly massages, sometimes twice a week, to gently relax myself)

    *Reaching out to friends, for a heart to heart, or a good laugh. You'd be surprised what you can learn about your girlfriends' journies when you open up about your own troubles. Beware though, they may not be experiencing the change to the intensity that you are - I like this forum to help me when I'm feeling high health anxiety.

    *Gentle exercise (or vigorous, depending on what you're used to). I have been quite lax in this department, so to go gung-ho with exercise wouldn't be such a great idea for me. Nice walks to start and then work up to maybe adding planks and squats. Keep it simple when the rest of life feels complicated. I am still working on this part of my self care - I find that I really need to book it in on my calendar to try and get into a routine. So often I feel exhausted after work and just want to slip my pyjamas on when I get home sad

    *Food - I'm trying to get this sorted as well. Less sugar, junk, grains & nuts that seem to bug me now. More veg, fruit shakes for something sweet (magic bullet is awesome for shakes), trying zero caffeine due to fibrous breast changes, and paying attention to my system after eating as I've had issues with reflux and upper back & stomach pain. I try to get bit D and probiotics in as well, but I'm terrible with taking pills daily.

    Most of all, try to calm your system and try to remind yourself that there are others out there who are experiencing the same bizarre things that you are. I would never have believed all of my recent ailments and troubles would be caused by peri-menopause - I am starting to believe it. I still struggle with terrible thoughts and feel like I might have something terminal, but I feel like I have some control back by making it a priority to calm my body & mind, and I am trying to take care of it through this time.

    I hope that you find support on this site - I sure have appreciated the posts that have mirrored my symptoms (of which are many!) - it has helped me during many a sleepless night. Take good care!

    • Posted

      Jenni, thank you for this post.  Very well said and so helpful!
    • Posted

      Thanks jenni. I see myself in a lot of what you talk about. Please don't feel alone.

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