Constantly worrying and feeling ill

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I am 51 and my life now seems to consist of different symptoms , feeling ill and like im at deaths door . I really cant imagine keep feeling like this for years on end . Ive already had symptoms on and off for three and a half years . Earlier this week I read that Jimmy Osmond had suffered a stroke at 55 and I guess the irrational , health anxiety side of me kicked in . Straight away I checked out all the details concerning strokes and heart issues . Not long after I convinced myself I had heart problems including aches and pains . Also I have had the migraine from hell for three days . I just want to cry and feel so depressed . I am going to make myself seriously ill if I carry on like this . As well I get spells of acid reflux and im convinced if that continues I will end up with cancer . Please tell me that I am not going mad

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22 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Jane I'm 52 and feel exactly the same as you and have been for a couple of years. I have fear everyday,have no get up and go even house work is a huge chore but I force myself to do it. I have no social life anymore and getting ready to do anything is hard work, I hate the way I look and hate the way I feel I just want my old self back. I'm sure we are not the only ones that feel like this. Chin up xx

  • Posted

    hi Jane. i know just how you feel. I have had crippling health anxiety for almost a year now. Started when i began having night sweats and panic attacks and irregular periods. I have so many muscle aches and pains and different bizarre symptoms that come and go it makes me feel like a crazy person. One thing that helped me was NOT GOOGLING. its so tempting but don't do it. you will diagnose yourself with everything. and a little Ativan helps on the really bad days 😃 hang in there. we will get through this.

    • Posted

      HI ANDREA, i totally agree!! GOOGLE IS DANGEROUS!!! I am 52 also have aches mostly my hips and legs that seem move around!! my periods have been very irregular the last 3 months!!

  • Posted

    Hi Jane,

    Listen, the more you google the more you will convince yourself you have.

    So first off, stop that!

    I'm turning 54 in a few weeks. My hell started when i was 51 (some symptoms started a few years before that), let me tell you, health anxiety may do you in. It almost did me in. I did the circuit and dropped about 20 grand out of pocket trying to figure out what i was dying from. They found little things here and there, like my gall bladder, and out that came. All in all I was the healthiest sick person, or the sickest healthiest person alive. One thing that changed was that during this time my periods started changing. Now I cant tell you this is the case with you, but if youve had things checked out and you are "healthy" and your periods are getting wonky there is a great chance you are suffering from hormonal imbalance like me coupled with a virus or two that may have reactivated because your immune system is low from the hormonal drop.

    I'm holding on to hope that eventually everything in my body will start cohabitating a little better. I am so much better than i was a few years ago so maybe this is finally happening. Hang in there Jane!!

    • Posted

      Thanks Suzanne . Yes my periods have gone completely haywire . I have gone from 21 days between then 2 months , then 3 months and the last month was exactly 28 days again since previous period . Bizarre and never know where I am anymore . I have on numerous occassions been told I am healthy . I recently had my heart checked , all good , no blood pressure issues , but still I worry . The migraines are all hormonal , but again I worry. It just goes on and on

  • Posted

    Sorry to hear about your symptoms. It's really hard, hang in there. U sound similar to me, I have tinitus now for a year and I also worry about acid reflux, I've had that since tinitus started I think acid comes up throat into eustachian tube caused ear ringing.. so frustrated.. do u have acid reflux and ear ringing too ? hugs

    • Posted

      No Angela , I dont have ear problems , but I do have sinus issues and sometimes my nose will constantly run . Also I get lots of catarrh in my throat and my eyes water , so annoying especially when ive just done my eye make up . Ive heard that allergies can appear during peri , so yet another problem added to my never ending list

  • Posted

    I also suffered the same, and still do but the bouts have lessened. I was able to pinpoint mine (at one time) to the week before my period. Once the periods got heavier and crazier it got worse. I am now 6 months (56 yo) period free. I am taking vitamins, super b complex, vitamin d, magnesium and I use an app Headspace to meditate. I'm doing better. Just yesterday started a bout and got busy praying, meditating and trying to not think those negative thoughts. I feel the last 6 years I have gone through a mental hell and I never suffered from anxiety or depression. Praying for quick recovery to this stage in life.


  • Posted

    Hi Jane....oh i am hearing you...i think many ladies here think we are in Gods waiting room cos of how we feel. i remember last jan while in a restaurant with my husband feeling like my body was shutting down...its a feeling you cant explain...ive had heart palps, migraine, bad anxiety and very dark moments were my life felt at an end. My tummy has been off for nearly two years and ive had a scope down to discover it was wind that still will not go away....i dont have the time to type all the symptoms but girl i know how you feel as im sure other ladies feel the same. Our mibds are trying to cope with all the physical changes and its very difficult. But please do not dispear as you are not will get to the other side in time...check in for support and share with those round you if you can ..

    Big hug


    • Posted

      same here Carol...I got up in July 2017 feeling fine as and hubbie went out for breakfast. I had that awful doom feeling come over me...lost my appetite, I looked at my husband, got tunnel vision, sweating, heart palps Within a month my periods went crazy. Never the same since. It is amazing how it just hits us.

    • Posted

      Hi lou...

      yes its crazy but at least we are in it together....😉 x

    • Posted

      Hi Carol my name us Susan i just read your story and i was just wondering what all of your symptoms are. I'll be 48 in a month. the past few years have been awful but the last year has been hell and still is. I have all the symptoms you listed and A LOT more. Have spent thousands of dollars on drs, tests, naturopaths you name it because i feel like my body is shutting down they all say im fine and to go talk to someone or take medication. Awful pressure in my head, very vivid dreams every night, uncontrollable thoughts in my head all day and night, gas, awful bitter taste in mouth, weak shaky muscles, weird sensation in stomach and whole body. On top of the doom and gloom and anxiety is such a feeling of disconnection like im going insane like this is what crazy is. Omg theres so much more. I just cry everyday. My sense of smell is OFF the charts and sounds. I know everyone is different but do you have any of these or am i legit losing it??

      Trying to keep it together i have two teenage daughters.

      Thank You:)


  • Posted

    you not alone, i am exactly like you, its been 3 years now and got a whole lot worse recently which i didnt expect as all i read was that it couldnt get any worse! rubbish.

    worse is the depression and anxiety, its floored me. what you doing to help, everyone is different, but ive treid everything and nothing works for me, its the worse thing..........................keep going soon it will go..

  • Posted

    Thank you all for sharing. This is so oooo difficult. I have this awful feeling in the top of my stomach (just the most recent thing) It is all I can do to not worry about it and Google symptoms, which then terrify me. It has to get better than this. I also have been pretty healthy until about 5 years ago. Now I have experienced so many symptoms, that are shared on here. Surely it can't just be a coincidence that we are all feeling this way at this time of our life.

    • Posted

      Hello Rebecca and thank you for replying . I just wondered what your other symptoms have been . I have taken a few steps back this week in recovering as my period is coming on , if very slowly . Ive had a bad head , stomach really bubbly and unsettled , if that makes sense , feeling so sick and no appetite . Ive had period pains since wednesday and it still hasnt got going properly. Ive had a terrible January which isnt helping my mood . It all started which all started with what I thought was a stomach bug that then turned into flu which I feel hasnt taken me back to square one with my health and mental stability , feeling very depressed about everthing . I guess when you have a bad bug it takes a while to recover , but then I worry that its something . Everything was good before this , so hopefully it will pass soon

    • Posted

      Hi Jane, It is wonderful to have a site like this. I do not have anyone who relates to this. My mom is gone and so are my grandmothers and aunts. I am 50 and it is nice to know that someone else is having so many similar symptoms. I started taking probiotics and it has helped. I too hope this passes soon. I do feel lucky that I can continue to work. It keeps my mind off of things. Some on here have had to quit or do not have the energy. Although my energy is much lower than it use to be, I am very thankful for that. Let us know how you are doing.

    • Posted

      Rebecca, your reply to me seems to have been deleted. You can message me if you want.

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