convinced I had peri

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Got full blood works back and they found my calcium was very low,this

can make me feel very tired, dizzy,confused and anxious. I was convinced

it was peri but doctor says he doesn't think anything's wrong with my

hormones. I really don't know what to think


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9 Replies

  • Posted

    Has he recomended treating your low calcium? What does he think has caused it?  If you improve your levels and your symptons improve you will have your answer, if not then maybe you were right.  Keep us posted.
    • Posted

      I'm on a d3 vitamin of the doctor, but he says I need to take

      these for 6months, I take 4 a day. I'm dizzy everyday and

      agitated ,I don't know how long it will take for these to kick in.

      My lack of calcium was caused by me not going out in the sun without a factor 50 on, I'm allergic to the sun .


  • Posted

    That is very interesting, I have a lot of those symptoms too along with really bad nausea and I am going in for labs Monday. I am wondering could I have other issues beyond peri, I know I am in Peri because I have had testing, but I fret that there are other issues going on too.
  • Posted


    I'm probably older than you at 54(?) and am convinced I've been Peri for years! 

    I got fed up with feeling low, lethargic, feeling like I was coming down with 'flu, and aching unbearably.  So in January I bought myself a supply of Menopace Original vits/mins supplement............and as a result, very soon after I felt 1m times better!

    I can only assume that I was completely depleted in all the main supplements, that of course I would feel that much better.  But hey, they seem to work well for me, and I'm not going to stop taking them now, for love nor money!

    Maybe aside from the Calcium (which I assume your GP will prescribe something?) maybe ask him/her if it'd hurt taking any other supplements?

    (I'm going off to check something:  I think I read that Magnesium helps with the absorbtion of Calcium.......but to be honest, I've read so much about all sorts of vits/mins, I'm confusing myself!  I'll re-post something about thiswink).


    • Posted


      Just read a couple of bits of info.  Both said much the same: Calcium to be taken with both Vit D and Magnesium.

      To save my bacon, maybe my best bit of advice would be for you to have a Google-around, have a read and see what you think.

      But better still: ask you Doctor what they think! 

      That's enough from me, Dr Shaz!!

      Hope whatever you take makes you feel better soon.


    • Posted


      I take MENOPACE ORIGINAL.  This has lots of Vits (B6/12, D), Calcium, Magnesium etc in it.  Best thing is, its all tied into a One-a-Day tablet:  result!

      When I Googled, I went on to 'Dr Oz' bit about this.  I'm not one for taking meds, generally, but I swear by Menopace:  I've felt great since taking it, especially for my aching joints.


    • Posted

      OK, I will definitely check it out and order it, the nausea is horrible everyday. I suspect that I am deficient in magnesium, calcium, and vitamin d. I'm taking it now I wish I could find something with all 3, soI wouldn't be popping pills all the time.
    • Posted


      I'm totally with you on that - I hate taking meds.

      Just sent my neice a lovely long email.  She asked how things are with my 'Meno Forum' - she knows I love this place! 

      She's the mum of a new baby and a demanding 2.7yr old.  Talk about got her work cut out!  I mentioned that I'm only taking my Menopace which is a one-a-day as I've never been one for taking meds, let alone vits/mins.  She's amazed.

      Whether its all psychosomatic, or I'm actually taking a plasebo, I don't care. I feel so much better since taking them.  i'm a great believer in some things are sent to try us, and that I sometimes just have to 'get on with it'.  I feel OK at the mo (barr a cr*ppy headache/eye migraine over the last few days: nothing a couple of Ibruprofen haven't dealt with!), so I'll just go with the flow.......until I can feel that things are going down hill fast.

      Then who knows.....HRT??  Watch this

      Well the sun's shining, I'm feeling energetic, so I'm off to clean my car.....after picking my husband up off the floor (ha, ha, very funny: I do know how to clean my own car....honest!)


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