Cotton ball feeling...

Posted , 7 users are following.

Hello ladies just wondering if any of you ever have the feeling that a cotton ball is in your throat.?? Lol

I know that sounds weird. I have a slight allergy problem but not severe. 

It seems when idrink something to try to soothe it, it still feels really dry. 

Any suggestions??

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Donna

    Doesn't sound weird at all, I have it right now! I'm not sure if it's related, I've looked online and I think there could be lots of reasons like allergies, anxiety and even tension in the neck. I've been treating everything so I drink plenty, suck a sweet, do relaxation and some neck exercises to try to aleviate tension. It does go away after a while, I think it works best when I try to ignore it otherwise it invokes panic! Hope you find a way to manage yours smile xx

    • Posted

      Thank you Sassy! And thank you for

      taking the time to reply 😃😃

  • Posted

    hi donna i think Sassy is right i have been to see my GP about this in the past myself and he has said its anxiety too i know how worrying things are for us ladies at the moment and i am greatfull for this website as i know i am not alone x
  • Posted


    I've been having throat problem for 4 days now, mine feels rough,dry and tickely and at night it's worse and I'm coughing all night. Like you since peri have suffered allergy issues therefore not sure if it's the heat in my bedroom and no air or its allergy based cause of the heatwave we are having atm but I'm starting to worry it's something serious the longer it's lasting 😕

    • Posted

      Same here Sara. Mine has been feeling

      this way on and off for the past couple of 

      weeks. When i go for my labs next week

      i will mention to my doc. Sometimes he acts more like a quack😂😂

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