Could I ask which route you haven taken regards hormones?
Posted , 5 users are following.
I'm really not sure what to do, the natural way (of which by the way can help, I have looked at a fair bit of literature and was told by a gynecological surgeon that they do help), or have you opted for regular hormones from the Doctor? How about bioidentical hormones that are dispensed from a pharmacy?
I realize we are all different, meaning what works for some doesn't for others, but I am interested to hear about routes other's have taken before I decide. Could you talk about side effects or pluses. I'd really appreciate it. Thank you!
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Indifferent callianne_65675
I don't think anything will make you abslutely symptom free, but I do know that in the natural side of things there are things that can sure make it a whole lot better. I still have my days...about 5 or 6 days a month now instead of 26 days a month.
I take 2000 vitamin D
Calcium magnesium
B complex estra strength
And I take five different Bach flower remedies (2 drops each every morning)
2 tsp unflavored gelatin in my coffee about twice a week
And I avoid sugar as much as I can but do give in occasionally ( I feel it when I do)
High protein diet, low carbs
I feel pretty good most of the time. I started this in December and no longer have mood swings at all. I get the odd anxiety attack these days still, but not all the time. Sugar will do it almost every time though.
Physical symptoms are covered pretty much with the gelatin, very rarely get aches and pains
Personally I don't feel that playing with your hormones is a healthy way to deal with it, I think we need to feed our bodies what they need to get through this more gracefully, and I believe strongly that food is medicine.
I can't say i am doing half bad anymore, and I am much more relaxed about the whole thing in general, but the two days leading up to my period are still pretty tense.
Trishann Indifferent
Callianne, You are so right on this!! 👍🏼👍🏼
Thanks for the great info! I too opt out on HRT! Definitely Not messing with my already wacko hormones as it is!!
callianne_65675 Indifferent
That sounds very hopeful that this is working for you. Did you see a homeopath? May I ask if you are in the States or UK? I didn't know about sugar, gosh that is something to think about.
callianne_65675 Trishann
I was thinking deffo no synthetic hormones, but at the moment I am on the fence with it. I was told also, that you can do both you know. I guess the dream is bioidentical hormones but not sure. We'll see how the thread goes. Thx for your replies.
Indifferent callianne_65675
I did see a naturopathic doctor who has helped in the past with other issues, but what he gave me didn't seem to be helping me at all for the hormonal symptoms. During a huge panic attack one day my friend gave me some flower remedies (she used them for herself as well with great results) That day she gave me the rescue remedy and it calmed the panic in minutes. Flower remedies are pretty quick to show effect and I have been using a few different ones since. The rescue remedy sure works well for anxiety. I am in Canada. But I think bach's origionates in the UK somewhere
flower2016 Indifferent
Indifferent flower2016
Indifferent callianne_65675