Could this be the end of peri?
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Hi Ladies,
Can any one relate to this pattern of periods -
My periods have been getting further apart every month 35 days, 45 days, I have now missed a month then had a period and missed another month. Has anyone who has reached menopause had a similar pattern? I used to have ups and downs with my symptoms but now it seems to have evened out, still getting anxiety, headaches, fast heart rate but more manageable and not so extreme as before. I have noticed that my symptoms are far worse the less sleep I have and the less water I have so trying to focus on getting more of both (easier said than done with the sleep!) I'm hoping my hormones are winding down now and the last 6 years of misery are coming to the end x
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nancy0925 caroline62395
Yes it sounds like you are getting close to menopause. My symptoms started getting better as my periods dwindled down and like you, I started skipping months. I am coming up on 1 year this month since I last had a period and its been the best year I've had in probably 10 years? I am 56 and started having peri menopause symptoms in my mid 40's. Had terrible health anxiety, had tests done thinking I must be dying and generally feeling the way all the women feel on here. There is hope though lol. I enjoy not dealing with heavy periods anymore and also feeling normal again. My only issue now is I completely lost my libido but I feel so much better that I don't care about that lol. Hang in there, sounds like you are on the right path!
caroline62395 nancy0925
Thank you for your reply, its so good to hear someone who is feeling better, there is light at the end of the tunnel, my health anxiety has been terrible I just cant tell if what im feeling is normal, any little pain or feeling I start having anxiety. Hopefully things are starting to get better x
sharcerv52408 caroline62395
Hi Caroline,
I have been having the same issue. Back in October, my period came on the 9th. It didn't show up again until November 23rd. That was a whole 45 days. I am usually every21-25 days. I have never gone that long between periods. Now I am waiting for the next one if there is to be a next one. The one in November was the last one so far. I think this is how it goes. They just get further apart until they go away altogether.
caroline62395 sharcerv52408
Sounds like we are at similar stages in this nightmare, hopefully things will start getting better for us soon x
sharcerv52408 caroline62395
Yes, hopefully. I have an appointment in the morning with my Gyn to get the results of some blood work that was done and a sonogram. Hopefully she will say that I am done or very close to it.
tawana68 caroline62395
Hi there , i have also gone through missing some periods to . i had one in september and didnt get another one till december so im thinking im finally getting closer to menopause too
I am 50 and the last few years have been a nightmare like everyone has had too but i feel like i now see a bit of hope finally . sleeping is not the greatest and i feel like im hungry more now and packed on a few pounds from eating . Mind you , i quit smoking 5 months ago almost now so im sure that makes the food look and taste much better now too . lol
caroline62395 tawana68
Well done you for quitting smoking whilst going through this misery, Im 49 this year we all seem to be a similar age missing and irregular periods so that must be a indicator we are close to the finish line x
staci88515 caroline62395
I am still in the period every 21 days stage, but I just wanted to say that I am so happy to hear that you symptoms are better! I hope it continues to get better and better!
caroline62395 staci88515
My periods went from regular 28 days but heavier then erratic sometimes 21,14,35 days but lighter to now missing months, I wish more women would be on here that have gone through menopause and come out the other side and are enjoying life again but I suppose they are just getting on with things and want to put it all behind them. Hopefully we will all be one of them soon x
jude84900 caroline62395
Hi Caroline,
I know all women are different in what takes place during peri and menopause but one fact is certain for all of us what is happening. Our hormones are diminishing and not coming back. Lack of estrogen, progesterone and testosterone does a number on our mental and physical being. My personal story was living with peri for 10 years before my periods ended. I couldn't wait for those periods to end. Little did I know when they did, that's when things got worse. Mentally and physically I didn't like what I was seeing or feeling. I would take periods back in a heart beat knowing what I know now. For myself, I didn't wait too long ( 6 months ) after my periods ended and got on BHRT. It brought me back to what use to be normal. Again, all women are different but for me, lack of hormones and the continued deterioration of my mental and physical well being wasn't an option. I think many women, including myself think, once these periods end and I have a full year under my belt life goes back to normal again. My own experience and what I've seen on the boards generally that is not the case. BTW, I've been post menopausal for almost 4 years now and I feel like I did before all those years of perimenopause. I do believe my quality of life is so much better now. I will stay on BHRT for the rest of my life. Good luck.
manicgrey caroline62395
I wish that this was the end and it might be for some people. I've been going through it for the last now nearly 3 years, and I can go a couple months, then back to spotty stuff, but I've only had three full periods in the last year. Usually just a couple days of spots. Still, the phase can last awhile, but it is tolerable. There are some days that I am just moody and don't want people around, and others when it's fine. I think I got quite lucky, because many are far more miserable than I have been, so really I'm just trying not to rock that boat and ride this the rest of the way out.
I think if only there was a sure indicator we are coming to the end it would help, I would cope better if I knew there was light at the end of the tunnel, I think its the thought of this been how its going to be forever thats the frightening thing x