crazy in the head????

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hi ladies, sorry for another post and im sure i asked this before but its so unreal to me and scares me. do any of you ladies feel your literally crazy? like your brain is on some kind of drug your waiting and begging to wear off? idk how much longer i can take this feeling. im no longer living a life i am just getting thru the day. it makes me angry and cry that im losing valuable time with my kids. please God tell me im not alone and my mind, myself will soon return. im having a bad day and had prob one of worst anxiety attacks i ever had sad for those taking hrt, is it suppose to help with mental stuff? im going on 4 weeks and no change.

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22 Replies

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    I'm not on hrt. But yes I thought I was losing my mind to. I had such brain fog. Such bad memory. And felt like I couldn't cope with my everyday stuff. Sometimes I even felt like I was high from drugs or something. And then the anxiety. And the no energy.

    All I can tell you is . I cut out sugar and choc stuff and it made such s difference anxiety wise.

    I only started taking floravital floradex. Bad my energy has improved brilliantly almost straight away . I got so much fine this last week, than I have got done for the whole summer. And eating skit of fruit and veg which I would never have eaten before., so all in all I am feeling on top of the world for the first time in a few years. Hope this helps

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      so glad to hear your feeling good! gives me hope!! thank you so much for responding. it makes a world of difference to know your not alone and others feel the same. i was worried i started getting a mental illness. i actuallu left a message today to see a neurologist. idk why tho. my ct and mri were normal.. i was this to end sad

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    Hi kim.. you're not going crazy...I feel the same way trapped in abody that noone seems to head feels weird all the time... not getting any sleep at night as a result of ponding hear waking me up while I sleep.. then I'm even more tired.. I feel like I'm not going to make it.. my god this is the worst thing I hsve ever been through.. I'm peeing al day.. so pottasium is low an d I'm's like a night mare.. some days are good.. but you never no what the next day is going to be.. I cry in the shower.. cry when I'm alne.. my husband is probbaly pretty fed up.. but I told him he has no idea how i feel.. I keep praying I know God has not forgotten about me or you...God bless and you

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      Hi Cathy, I would cry all of the time too! I would cry for my girls and when they go through this....they are 27, 17 and 14 lol my youngest would say we have a long way Mom so dont worry. It is just miserable so I cried for everyone that might feel this way. I do have better days though and I wait patiently (well I try) for those days. The best advice is move your mind when you feel this way....laundry, a light walk, Coloring or anything to feel better. We will get through this! Praying for each of us every day. Take care!
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      i cry all the time too and my husband does not understand. doesnt help that i have had health anxiety for yrs so now when somethings rreally going on he turns a deaf ear sad i tell him same thing, you have no idea the hell i live in, trapped in my own head. i pray it goes away. i worry what if this is how i am forever now sad i tried a beer to calm nerves but it made my heart pound and threw me into worst anxiety attack ever. o just want peace an ME back. i have always been very social and outgoing and running to stores. now i dread it and going to have car cleaned and the grocery store in 1 day is a huge accomplishment. idk know how im gonna do christmas sad and i love cjristmas shopping sad

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      I was crying all the time, I can't do HRT so I turned to essential oils and the stuff I am using has helped 95% with the crying and mood swings, its this headache and being dizzy that I can barely function now

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      i have had the dizzy too.. horrible. i was going to try lavendar spray that ypu put under your tongue for anxiety

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    Hi Kim, you don't have to apologize for another post. I posted so many times on this website daily when all of this first started with me. I have felt exactly how you have as far as not knowing how much more you can take. But trust me you will get past this point! It comes and goes. I had a good couple of months and now I am back feeling shaky with anxiety and a weird head. I just figure my hormones are acting up again. We will get through this! Im praying for you and all of us every day. Good days are coming! Hang in there and post as much as you need to. We are here for you! ((Hugs))

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      I believe our body tries to keep balancing itself out, no matter what is "off", to maintain homeostasis. I think that is why we have good times and bad times. And probably accounts for some of the symptoms we experience. It's just our body trying to "fix" itself...and sometimes overshoots (like a hormone that is lacking and then we have symptoms. of too much). Sometimes I have symptoms of low estrogen. And then a couple of weeks later I will have estrogen dominant symptoms, which I read could also be low prog. Anyway, I don't know if that makes sense to anyone else. Sorry I know this prob didn't relate to crazy in the head. Lol! Being off topic is usual for me now days and no one around here wants to listen to me 😂

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      I think that you are right about that! I know I can tell when different hormones are dominant as well. This is a rough ride for sure. Praying we all get through it soon! Take care!
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    Yes. Not on hrt but soon to start birth control- doc said is better in my case. I do have such crazy moments of anxiety about every little thing. I read about ways to fistract myself, meditation and so on, but sometimes anxiety takes so much of my thoughts I cannot manage to sustain another thought. I hate anxiety. It jumps from anxiety to depression and back and forth. Pff

    Breath, breath you are somewhere in there and hope u feel better soon.

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    I'm so sorry you're feeling this way Kim. I have been feeling the exact same way for the past 3 months and I'm only 31 so it's scary for me to think I may be hitting peri at an early age. I have an appointment Monday so hopefully I get some answers. I too keep thinking I have some sort of mental illness as I Google things. By the way...googling stuff is a very bad idea. I have had some decent days but more bad unfortunately. I'll definitely keep you and everyone else in here in my prayers. If it makes you feel any better, I cried this morning at work and then again in the shower after work. Just try to remain positive. Good luck.

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      awe im sorry. u r young. i am 42 and looking back i think i went into peri 1 yr or 2 ago. but 2016 has been hell. i pray you get help and feel better. its not fun sad

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      get your hormones checked out.  its not normal to be peri in your 30's

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      I'm not sure it's not normal to experience peri at 31 because it's considered normal for it to last for 10-12 years. In 12 years you'll be 43 and many women go into menopause in their mid 40s. Getting your hormone levels checked for possible peri is a good idea though. Then you'll know what you're dealing with. 

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