Crazy question.....
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Is anyone having pain(not bad)n their labia. I know this is TMI, but I was having trouble(bad trouble) with an anal fissure and my labia would hurt. It's healed now but I still get a little twinge every now and then. Honestly, I feel like I'm falling apart. Last summer I felt great, I was taking yoga twice a week and weight class once a week. My yoga teacher left and it was too expensive to continue the weight class. I do stretching exercises every day and I do pray. I just feel like my body and my mind are betraying me. Also sometimes I feel numbe down there, but that may be from the lidocaine in the fissure ointment. Those two areas are in very close proximity to each other. Am I crazy? It sure feel like it.......
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lelawreck juanita93228
juanita93228 lelawreck
Yes, the vaginal walls do thin during menopause. Again, TMI, I still get "lubricated" down there during foreplay just not as much and it doesn't stay lubricated, but that's what lube is for! We keep it on hand. I just started experience the dry vag about a year ago.
lelawreck juanita93228
Hahaha - we all are human and I dont care about TMI. Mine doesn't stay lubricated either, only during foreplay as well, but I too keep the KY Jellie at hand. Hope you feel better soon with regards to the anal fissure.
juanita93228 lelawreck
Thank you lelawreck. I thought I was alone in the not staying lubricated thing too. Thank you! The fissure is almost healed.
The other thing is I don't have much of an appetite these days. I can literally get by on one meal a day. I have to make myslef eat three balanced measl a day.
lelawreck juanita93228
Just stay healthy Juanita. If you have to force yourself. I think itis because of the overall feeling of not feeling well that effects one's appetite. I regularly experience feelings of terrible nausea. But having blood sugar problems I have to force myself to eat. Strange though that I have not lost any weight? Would not mind if I do, hahaha.
juanita93228 lelawreck
I think you're right about the not feeling great affecting the appetite. But I also found out the stomach has estrogen receptors and as our hormones go wacky, it affects the digestive system. If you look on the list of menopause symtoms nausea, gas, and loss of appetite are on there. I haven't lost any weight either, but then I would freak out about that thinking something is wrong, so I'll just be happy with my healthy chunky self. Lol!
Sochima822 juanita93228
The pain you get on your labia will diminish with time. It took about 6 months to a year for mine to go away. It comes from estrogen levels fluctuating.
Anal fissures come from not having enough fiber in your diet, eat more vegetables when you eat meat. In fact, if I eat meat, I cannot eat it without some type of green vegetable because the process of digesting it is hard on my stomach and my bowels. I suggest you increase the vegetables in your diet. If you don't eat vegetables then limit eating meat and take some sort of brand or fiber to help put water in your large intestine. Good luck.
juanita93228 Sochima822
Well, it's good to know about the labia pain. I guess it just happened to come along at the same time the fissure was flaring up. It feels fine today. Thank you for the info on that.
My fissure was unfornunately self inflicted back in 2014(tore it scratching too hard after eating some really spicy greasy chicken, stupid I know). It healed and I had no more problems until now. I've been drinking more water, I always eat veggies and or fruits with my meals and have started drinking prune juice to increase the water in my intestines. My stools have always been formed, not hard. I read sometimes it's something in your stool that causes a flareup. I've also been using olive oil and Dr,. Butler's fissure ointment. It's getting better. It's no fun dealing with menopause plus thinking about your damn bum and wondering if it's a dread disease
Sorry to go on so, and I'm sure some of this is TMI but this forum has been a light in the tunnel for me.
lelawreck juanita93228
juanita93228 lelawreck